Thank you for joining GENE! 加盟、ありがとうございます!
You must have been surprised by quite a lot of information.
Please understand what you need to know first and read the rest at your leisure.
This STFC is a game of great complexity.Exploration into space requires the acquisition and training of ships and crews, as well as their own base facilities, research, etc.As one of my seniors said, "This game is like a marathon.This game is "like a marathon".Run steadily, no, you are to run, even for a few minutes a day, to check on rewards, dilly goals, etc., and to fly your ship to the mining areas.
Here is just a brief guidance.For more detailed information, please read each page or ask one of our members.Members are especially knowledgeable about tips and tricks of the game and how to play.Ask questions in the "Alliance Chat" in the game application.Here, any logged in member will be able to answer you.If you are a member of the GENE community with a Discord account, you may be able to get a response with a picture.
あなたはビギナーですか? それとも新加入者ですか?
Are you a beginner? Or are you a newcomer?
What level are you?
Do you have experience joining alliances?
Please ask yourself first.
Then, also check the following/
・Do you know about the Alliance’s policies?
・Do you know the term ROE?Do you understand game terms like PvP, PvE, UPC, OPC, etc.?
・Did you know that there is such a thing as a treaty between alliances?
・Do you know what organizations are in the alliance?
Have you completed the check?
● 全部わかっていれば、あなたは初心者ではないかもしれませんね。でも、大きな同盟にはいると、Lv30位でもまだ、「初心者」とおばれる程、奥が深いゲームなんです。もっと、ハイレベルなプレイヤーは、一隻の迎撃艦でも数千万の戦闘力をもっていることがあるからです。レベルが上がるにしたがって、戦闘力も積載量も幾何学的な伸びで増えます。それだけ、困難性や複雑さがあるようです。心して、そして、慌てず地道にプレーしてください。
● ああ、全部わからなくても‥‥心配はいりません。このウェブページを詳しく読むと理解できることが多いと思います。ただ、このゲーム特有の用語については、説明はしていませんが、メンバーに聞いてみたりしてください。これらは非常に重要な用語です。Discordだと図解入りで説明ができるのですか、これには別のアプリをダウンロードして、私たちのコミュニティに入らなければなりません。ご興味があれば、Discordページを読んでください。
● If you know everything, you may not be a beginner.But if you are in a big alliance, the game is so deep that even at lvl 30, you are still called a "beginner.For more advanced players, even a single interceptor ship can have a combat power of tens of millions.As the level increases, both combat power and payload increase with geometric growth.So much so that there seems to be difficulty and complexity.Please play the game with an open mind, and do not be in a hurry.
● If you don't understand everything ... don't worry.You can read this web page in detail and you will be able to understand it.However, I have not explained the terms specific to this game, but you can ask the members.These are very important terms, and with Discord I can explain them with illustrations, but for this you have to download a separate app and join our community.If you are interested, please read the Discord page.
The biggest tips in the game
Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from homeowners to commercial developers.
Do something steadily
● The important thing for beginners and newcomers is to play slowly and steadily, even for a little while.Some of our members have been doing it for several years.
Do research and ask questions
● If you don’t understand something, you are to do your research or ask other members.It is important that your curiosity and ambition for the game become such an investigative ability and positive attitude toward others.It is hard to find out, so it may be faster to ask.
参考ページ Reference Pages
About this game
Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from homeowners to commercial developers.
「スタートレック 艦隊コマンド(Star Trek Fleet Command)」は、Android/iOS用向けに、2019年10月17日に開始されました。
- スタートレックのTV、映画等で有名な艦船や乗組員を成長させながら、遠い宇宙に出かけ、新たな敵や資源、さらにはイベントもこなしながら、遠い宇宙を旅するようなゲームです。
- 私たちは、太平洋地域のAPPAC201サーバーという位置づけですが、EUという欧州地域、そしてUSと言う北南アメリカ地域に分けられ、合わせて160以上のサーバーがあります。私の試算ですが、総プレイヤー数36万人以上、201サーバーでは1万1千人を越え、同盟数は300以上もあります。ただ、1万人以上がいると言っても、Lv10以上が、3千7百人という統計もあり、その2倍以上はLv9以下となるようです。
- このゲームも他のオンラインゲームと同じように「課金」があり、艦船や乗組員、資源などを購入することができます。しかし、全員が課金しているわけではなく、無料でということを貫くプレイヤーも多くいます。課金の話では、それこそ外車を一台買えるくらいという噂もあります。スタートレック・シリーズはもうじき60周年を迎えますが、熱烈なファンが多くいて、そうした方もいたり、無課金でゆっくりと長く楽しむという方もいるのではと考えます。課金はあなた次第です。「F2P」という略語がありますが、これはFree to Pay=無課金の意味だそうです。また、多くの課金をしたプレイヤーを「クジラ」と呼ぶそうです。クジラにはなれませんが、やがてはイルカ、末は子クジラ位にはなりたいものと思っています。クジラに狙われたら、ひとたまりもないですが、そこはゲームじょうでは攻撃されないようになっていますからご安心ください。また、資源を得る星系も違いますから、めった見かけることはありません。
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- Star Trek Fleet Command was launched on October 17, 2019 for Android and iOS.Star Trek Fleet Command” is a Star Trek game in which you are the commander of a fleet of Starbases, ships, and crews that you will defend, attack, and resource,
- The game is like a journey through distant universes, with new enemies, resources, and events, while building up the ships and crews made famous in the Star Trek TV and movie franchises.
- We have more than 160 servers in total, divided into the Pacific region (APPAC 201 server), the European region (EU), and the North and South American region (US).I estimate that there are more than 360,000 total players, with over 11,000 players on the 201 server, and more than 300 alliances.However, even though there are more than 10,000 players, the statistics show that there are only 3,700 players who are lvl 10 or above, and more than twice that number are lvl 9 or below.
- This game, like other online games, has “charges” and you can buy ships, crew, resources, etc.However, not everyone is charged, and there are many players who go through the process of doing so for free.Some rumors say that the charges are enough to buy a whole foreign car.The Star Trek series will soon celebrate its 60th anniversary, and we believe that there are many diehard fans, some who have done so, and others who will enjoy it slowly and for a long time without paying.It is up to you to pay the bills.There is an abbreviation “F2P,” which means Free to Pay = no charge.Also, players who have paid a lot of money are called “whales.Although I cannot become a whale, I would like to become a dolphin and eventually a baby whale.If a whale were to target me, I would be in serious trouble, but don’t worry, the game is designed so that whales cannot attack.Also, the star systems that obtain resources are different, so you rarely see whales.
“Time flies. Time goes by so fast. Special events are lost in the busyness of everyday life, but sometimes there are experiences that we will never forget. But sometimes there are experiences that we will never forget”
(Kathryn Janeway)
Webmaster: Eva Miraie