Here you will find an explanation of the basic game matters. It may be game terminology or game tips. I should note that this is not for high-level players, as I am not a high-level player myself.
Leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of tomorrow.
‘I wish we could all learn from the past, but some of us don’t’ (Picard)
This game is very complicated. The language is a big barrier, especially for Japanese people who are not English speakers. I wanted to ease this issue a little, so I created this page to explain the basics.
<Webmaster: Eva Miraie>
<ウェブマスター:Eva Miraie>
There is a lot of information related to STFC on Discord, websites, YouTube, etc. However, I feel that Japanese people are at a slight disadvantage in getting access to this information. In this sense, I would like to store here what I record on a daily basis. I hope it will be of some use to you.
Eencounter knowledge.
The content to be opened is shown below.
講座内容 Lecture Content
Fusion of imagination and knowledge! Therein lies the secret key to enriching the world around us.イマジネーションと知識の融合を!私たちを取り巻く世界を豊かにする秘密の鍵がそこにある。
■講座1 course1
・ゲーム概要 ・採掘と戦闘 ・基地 ・イベント ・ミッション
・アルマダ ・プレースタイル ・派閥 ・基地再配置
・レベルとパワー ・TC/TD ・インカージョン ・特殊能力クルー
・ミッションキー&プロモコード ・トリック ・採掘のクルー
・敵対船クルー ・アルマダクルー1 ・アルマダクルー2
Tea Drinking
- ゲームには直接かかわらない情報を届けます。
- It delivers information that is not directly related to the game. Japanese only
Guiding play through the project
あなたのイマジネーションと情報・知識の継続的な融合を図ります! A continuous fusion of your imagination, information and knowledge!