This page is a reserve page for the future.
This revolutionary project aims to preserve the rich cultural heritage of the universe, while studying what is said to be difficult to decipher and understand, and contributing to the further development of civilization. A total of 350 talented people from various planets are conducting research on a daily basis.
The revitalized art gallery is set to redefine cultural landscape.
A quantum computer is a next-generation computer that is said to enable information processing at speeds and on a larger scale than ever before by utilizing the “superposition” properties of the “quantum” that make up atoms and other substances, enabling parallel calculations.
The revitalized alliance will play an important role in reevaluating the state of the server, the significance of the ROE, the alliance’s raison d’etre, and suggestions for how players’ play styles should be. In this, we aim for a prestigious position on this server, and we hope to be proud of it.
Based on the reflections and lessons of the past, GENE is passionate about building cutting-edge designs that purify the karma that erodes today’s universe and carbon bodies.
Niels Henrik David Bohr (7. Oktober 1885 – 18. November 1962) war ein dänischer theoretischer Physiker. Als Begründer der Quantentheorie leitete er die Entwicklung der frühen Quantentheorie und trug wesentlich zur Etablierung der Quantenmechanik bei.
Quantum mechanics is the study of the behavior of particles, the smallest units. While Einstein’s “general theory of relativity” is used to explain large-scale phenomena such as the expansion of the universe and black holes, “quantum mechanics” is mainly used to explain small-scale phenomena that occur on a scale about one ten-billionth the size of our bodies.
ニールス・ヘンリク・ダヴィド・ボーア(デンマーク語: Niels Henrik David Bohr、1885年10月7日 – 1962年11月18日)は、デンマークの理論物理学者。 量子論の育ての親として、前期量子論の展開を指導、量子力学の確立に大いに貢献した。