
 GENEは50年以上に渡って放映されているスター・トレックの世界観である、広大な宇宙における探検の旅を目的として、このゲーム (STFC : Star Treck Fleet Command) をプレーしています。それは、よくある「戦争・闘争ゲーム」でのプレイヤーを打ち負かすシューティング・ゲームとしてではなく、様々な困難に出会い、それを乗り越えて、さらに遠い未知の宇宙を探検することです。私たちは戦士ではなく、探検家なのです。
 合言葉は「共に未来へ=Together for the Future」です。

 GENE plays this game (STFC : Star Treck Fleet Command) as a journey of exploration in the vastness of space, a worldview of Star Trek that has been on the air for over 50 years. It is not to be played as a shooter to defeat the player in a typical “war/combat game”, but to encounter and overcome various challenges and explore further into the distant unknown universe. We are not warriors, but explorers.
 To overcome these difficulties, it is important for us to gain more knowledge and experience, which is why we value the intellectual and communal support of our many members and each other. 
 We want to respect each other’s gaming styles and lifestyles, play healthy games, build healthy and friendly relationships with allies and other players, and enjoy our space journey.
 Our motto is “Together for the Future”.

Our Basic Stance


We are explorers of the universe. Let us overcome the unknown and difficulties together!


1 当同盟は、自衛権の発動による専守防衛を基本とします。
2 本同盟メンバーが不慮で誤爆した場合は誠意をもって謝罪し対応します。
3 当同盟と他同盟との間のすべての外交条約(味方同盟、友好同盟、協力的同盟)は、相互に不戦を確約することを前提としています。これは、提督と指導部が判断と決定を行ない、ゲームのアイコンの設定を変更し、当同盟メンバー全員に通達します。
4 本同盟メンバーは、全てが外交官として、紳士的に友好的にプレイヤーに接することを信条とします。それが良好な外交関係構築の基盤だと考えます。

The Alliance conducts its diplomacy in accordance with the main objectives of the Alliance’s Basic Stance, which is to be as follows for all alliances and players.

1 The Alliance’s basic policy is to defend itself exclusively by invoking the right of self-defense.
・However, we may designate as targets of attack (within the ROE regulations) as a form of sanction for repeated violations by members of hostile alliances, solo players who repeatedly violate the ROE, and alliances that are not well supervised by the ROE.
・When mining is deemed impossible due to overcrowding of 201 servers with more than 10,000 members, we will launch a zero node attack or OPC attack.However, we consider these attacks to be permitted under unavoidable circumstances.
・We will not allow missions or events for PvP purposes.

2  In the event of an inadvertent mishap by a member of this Alliance, we will apologize and respond in good faith.

3  All diplomatic treaties between this alliance and other alliances (allied, friendly, and cooperative alliances) are based on a mutual commitment to non-war.This is a judgment and decision made by the Admiralty and the leadership, which will be communicated to all members of the Alliance by changing the settings of the game icons.

・When forming a friendly alliance, the Alliance will sign a treaty refusing to engage in battle if the belligerent requested by the Alliance is a friendly, friendly, or cooperative alliance.
・The Alliance will emphasize mutual understanding and trust in alliance policies, and will start with treaties of “friendly alliances” and “cooperative alliances” on the premise of ally alliances.We will not conclude treaties from neutrality to “friendly alliance” at once.

4  All members of this Alliance believe in treating players as diplomats, in a gentlemanly and friendly manner.We believe that this is the foundation for building good diplomatic relations.

 私たちは基本姿勢の立場から、交戦規定 (ROE : Rules Of Engagement) を採用していますが、それを、厳密に厳格に守る姿勢をとってはいません。それは、Rogueになるという意味ではなく、できるだけ平和裏に友好的にゲームを楽しむという基本姿勢から、不要なPvPの先制攻撃を避けているという立場でROEを採用しているということです。このサーバーの基本的なROEを理解することは、私たちが、他のプレイヤーから、どのような場合に攻撃を受けるのか、受けないのかを知るうえで重要なものと考えています。

We have adopted Rules Of Engagement (ROE) from a basic stance, but we do not follow them strictly and rigidly.This does not mean that we are going rogue, but rather that we are adopting ROE from the standpoint of avoiding unnecessary preemptive attacks in PvP, based on our basic stance of enjoying the game in a peaceful and friendly manner as much as possible.We believe that understanding the basic ROE of this server is important for us to know when we will and will not be attacked by other players.

What will we encounter through this game? What do we expect? It is the encounter with ourselves, of all people. The past self, the present self, and the self moving forward into the future.

I come across the intricacies of the game and I think.
I join alliances and get to know my peers.



I meet people and get to know my emotional self.What do joys, sorrows, and frustrations bring me?

Is it just a way to pass the time? A distraction from the daily grind?
That would be fine too.

ただの暇つぶし? 日常の憂さ晴らし? それもいいでしょう。

少しだけ新しい自分に 出会えるかもしれない。

But a little positivity, through games,I might be able to meet a little new me through games.


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