- The game has a unique language = terminology. If you understand this, it will be easier to understand the conversation as well as game knowledge.

The term is used to describe the difference between an attacker being an individual player or a so-called enemy provided by the game application.
In the case of PvE, the red-colored ships are the enemy.By the way, your ship is shown in green, light blue if you are another player, and purple if you are an alliance member.Furthermore, players are marked with a heart or hand as a diplomatic identification.
つまり、攻撃されたら船は破壊して基地にもどりますが、獲得した一部の貨物は持ち帰ることができます。これを保護貨物と言います。多くの資源を得ても、保護されていない部分の過保護資源は攻撃した相手のものになるわけです。これらの量は船がグレードアップすると増えていきます。 重要なのは、調査船(以後採掘船と呼びます)のUPCはルール上は保護されていて攻撃してはならないということです。
This is an important abbreviation that can cause problems and conflicts between alliances and players in the game.There are four different types of spaceships in the game, all of which have the same cargo hold.
This means that if the ship is attacked, it will be destroyed and returned to base, but some of its acquired cargo can be brought back.This is called protected cargo.So even if you gain a lot of resources, the overprotected resources in the unprotected areas belong to the attacker.These amounts increase as the ship is upgraded. It is important to note that UPCs on survey vessels (henceforth referred to as mining vessels) are protected by the rules and must not be attacked.

次は毎日のように利用する「ノード node」で、採掘場所とか採掘地のことです。ここから、クリスタルや鉄鉱石、ガスなどのリソース、材料、資源と呼ばれるものを採掘します。これにもグレードがあって、G2、G3、G4…と続きますが、手に入る艦船の★1,2、3…と対応して、グレードアップの資源、材料となるようです。採掘地の資源も星系のLvが高くなると、資源の量がおおくなります。 この言葉は、ゼロノード、0-nodeとして使われることが多いようです。
Next is the “node node” that we use every day, which is the mining location or mining site.From here, we mine what are called resources, materials, or resources such as crystals, iron ore, gas, and so on.There are grades for these as well, such as G2, G3, G4, and so on, and it seems that the resources and materials are upgraded in correspondence with the ship’s ★1, 2, 3, and so on that can be obtained.The higher the lvl of the star system, the greater the amount of resources in the mining area. This term is often used as zero node or 0-node。
次にあげたのは、これ! 嫌な直訳ですが、私は「(見たら)即攻撃」と言っています。ゲームの状況的には、同盟間の戦争で使う用語です。そして、ゲームのルールを破ってばかりいる相手に仕掛けるものです。
The next one I gave you is this! It’s a disgusting literal translation, but I say “attack immediately (if you see it)”.In the context of the game, the term is used in wars between alliances.And it is something that is initiated against an opponent who is constantly breaking the rules of the game.
However, it is not something that individual alliance members can decide to do on their own.It is an attack that can only be carried out when designated by the Alliance’s Admiral, or leadership, or executive, and when the Admiral issues the order.Also, since it is “publicly declared,” it is customary to announce who is to be KOS’d via Discord or galactic chat.If this happens, we cannot carelessly ship out and stations may be attacked.
In case of war, no ROE.Otherwise, many attacks are within the ROE provisions.

チャットでは数度しか見かけない「NAP」です。同盟間でのいかなる闘争、攻撃を行わないという協定のことです。つまり、ROE規定上の攻撃をしないということです。 通常は味方同盟がそれにあたりますが、友好同盟、協力的同盟にも拡大することもあります。201サーバーでは、上記の3つを含めているようです。
外交関係マークでは、紫と緑の色のマークがそれにあたり、攻撃を禁止にしています。繰り返しますが、ROE上での合法的な攻撃も禁止となるので注意が必要です。<追加> 「非侵略協定」とか「非戦争協定」ともいうそうです。また、リアル世界ではまれに、攻撃もしないが、サポートもしないというという「中立協定」というのもあるそうです。
It is a “NAP” that you will only see a few times in the chat.It is an agreement not to engage in any kind of struggle or attack between alliances.In other words, no attacks under the ROE rules. Usually it is allied alliances, but it may be extended to friendly or cooperative alliances. 201 servers seem to include the three mentioned above.
In the diplomatic relations mark, the purple and green colored mark is that and prohibits attacks.Again, please note that legal attacks on ROEs are also prohibited. They also call it a “non-aggression pact” or “non-war pact.Also, in the real world, in rare cases, there is a “neutrality pact,” which means that you do not attack, but you also do not support.It is a “NAP” that you will only see a few times in the chat.It is an agreement not to engage in any kind of struggle or attack between alliances.In other words, no attacks under the ROE rules. Usually it is allied alliances, but it may be extended to friendly or cooperative alliances. 201 servers seem to include the three mentioned above.
In the diplomatic relations mark, the purple and green colored mark is that and prohibits attacks.Again, please note that legal attacks on ROEs are also prohibited.<Additional> They also call it a “non-aggression pact” or “non-war pact.Also, in the real world, in rare cases, there is a “neutrality pact,” which means that you do not attack, but you also do not support.
NAPで紹介した外交関係でのマークの説明です。PvPの時に重要な指標となります。日本語では、左から「味方関係」「友好関係」「市民関係」「中立関係」「警戒関係」「非友好関係」、最後は「敵対関係」にあることを示しています。 「市民」については「協力的」と変更されましたが、マークは同じです。
Here is an explanation of the marks in diplomatic relations introduced in the NAP, which are important indicators during PvP.In Japanese, from left to right, it indicates that you are in “friendly”, “friendly”, “civil”, “neutral”, “wary”, “unfriendly”, and finally “hostile” relations. As for “civil,” it has been changed to “cooperative,” but the mark is the same.

In-app communication
Three types of communication tools are available on the game screen.Galactic chat is notified to all alliances and can be notified and responded to among alliances and by all players. The most commonly used chat is the alliance chat.It is used to greet people in the morning and evening, to communicate within the alliance, and to ask questions and interact with members.This is a good way to determine if it is an active alliance.If you are a member of the alliance, you can look through it.However, the common language is English.The last PM is a personal message.You can chat with a specific individual.The drawback is that if there are too many chats, they seem to be deleted one by one, starting with the oldest.This is common to all three types.