These courses are basic information about the game. We hope that all of these endeavors will be a cornerstone in shaping your future.
Leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of tomorrow.

<1. Overview ゲーム概要>
The main goal of the game is to become a stronger commander and explore unknown star systems while acquiring new ships and officers. It takes a lot of time to get there. Some players compare it to a marathon. The secret may be to take it easy and have fun.
<1. Overview ゲーム概要>
・Build and upgrade your own station to generate resources and expand your power.
・Explore, fight, defend and bring lots of rewards while building a powerful ship.
・Recruit and level up capable officers to command your ship.
・Participate in events and daily goals to earn rewards and further increase your power.
・Check out free reward chests regularly to get more items.
・Join your favorite faction to earn their trust and reap rewards.
<1. Overview ゲーム概要>
・そして、ここにはルールが存在します。それは我々の先輩プレイヤーが考えだし、多くのサーバーと同盟がそのルールを守ってプレーしています。その名はROE(Rule of engaigement)といいます。これを理解し、それぞれのプレースタイルやライフスタイルに応じたプレーを楽しむことが大切です。ただ、一部にはこれらを全く無視して「ならず者」となるプレイヤーもいます。
・If you don’t know where to start, we strongly recommend that you focus on completing missions and progressing through the game. To access missions, tap the yellow exclamation point just above the alliance button in the lower left corner.
・And there are rules here. They were devised by our senior players, and many servers and alliances play by them. They are called ROE (Rule of engagement). It is important to understand this and enjoy playing according to your own playing style and lifestyle. However, some players completely ignore these and become “rogues”.
・Due to the complex structure of this game, various databases have been created. We strongly recommend that you create a Discord account to access them, get the latest news from Scopely, and interact with your alliance and server friends.

2.Mining &Combat
Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études—the catalyst for architectural transformations that enrich the world around us.
2-1 採鉱について
2-1 About Mining
<Finding Mines>
Mining nodes are scattered throughout the star systems that make up the galaxy.In order to find a mining spot that produces a large amount of ore, you must search as many star systems as possible.Each mining node will produce one type of resource or raw material.To obtain a mining node that produces what you need, you should find multiple star systems.
<How to Mine>
Once a ship arrives at a mining node, it will automatically begin mining and collecting resources while anchored there.A ship can only hold the maximum capacity of resources that its cargo can carry.The number indicating the ship’s cargo capacity is displayed next to the cargo capacity icon when the ship is tapped in the lower center.
When the ship’s cargo capacity reaches its maximum, it will stay at the mining node but will not be able to collect any more resources.
Therefore, once the maximum cargo capacity is reached, be vigilant and order the ship to return.
Mined materials and resources cannot be used until the ship is returned to the station.If a ship is attacked while mining, some of the mined materials and resources may be lost, depending on the outcome of the battle.
<Attacks during mining>
Mining involves risks.This is described in the ROE.
If the attacking ship wins:
The mining ship is repelled from the mining area and returned to the station.The mined cargo in protection is lost.
In place of the losing mining ship, the attacker takes over the mining node and some of the mined resources are also taken.
In case of victory:
the mining ship can continue mining without interruption, but the damage from the battle remains.The attacking ship is returned to its own station.
2-2 戦闘について
<戦闘のターゲット> システムビューで見つけることができる有効な戦闘ターゲットにはいくつかのタイプがあります。
・敵対的な船(PvE) これらの船には赤いラベルが付いています。
・プレイヤー船(PvP) これらの船には青いラベルが付いています。
・プレーヤーのステーション これらは、一部の星系の住宅惑星の周りに配置されます。
・ミッション戦闘ターゲット これらの船には黄色のラベルとミッションマーカーがあります。
・スワームの敵対者 敵対的な船より強力なグループ。
・アルマダターゲット タイプに応じて、三角形の形状とさまざまな色でマークされています。これらは最初は宇宙ステーションのように見えるかもしれませんが、アルマダスはあなたの同盟仲間とグループを作って攻撃するターゲットです。
レベル15に到達すると、ステーションコンバットに参加できます。ステーションをタップして、選択した船で攻撃します。ステーションには独自の防御があり、攻撃されたプレーヤーに船が停泊している場合は、戦闘にも参加します。ステーションが攻撃されると、10分のピースシールドが自動的にアクティブになり、シールド期間中のさらなる攻撃を防ぎます, プレーヤーに長いシールドを適用するのに十分な時間を与えます。アライアンスのプレイヤーに属するステーションを攻撃することはできません。(注意:ステーション攻撃を推奨するものではありません)
Armada Targetsの詳細については、別な記事で説明します。
2-2 About Combat
Combat will provide you with ship blueprints, XP for leveling up your officers, and other resources and materials.
As you progress further in the game, more combat targets will be unlocked.Once you reach Operation Level 10, your ship can participate in combat with other players’ ships.They can also participate in station combat as soon as they upgrade their operation to level 15.
<Combat Targets> There are several types of valid combat targets that can be found in the system view.
Hostile ships (PvE) These ships are labeled red.
Player ships (PvP) These ships are labeled blue.
Player Stations These are located around residential planets in some star systems.
Mission Combat Targets These ships have yellow labels and mission markers.
Swarm Hostiles A more powerful group of hostile ships.
Armada Targets Depending on the type, they are marked with a triangular shape and various colors.These may look like space stations at first, but armadas are targets that you group with your alliance mates to attack.
<Attacking Targets>
Select a target on the system map to open the target preview window.This window displays the exact target type, intensity, and estimated difficulty.For more information, tap the SCAN button; tap the ATTACK button to send the selected ship to attack that target.Only targets that can be attacked will have an ATTACK button in the preview window.
Player vs. Player Ship (PvP)
Operation Building is protected from attack and cannot attack another player’s ship until it reaches level 10.Once there, at level 10, any ship is vulnerable to player attacks when roaming or idle in the system view.To ensure the balance of the game, players can only attack other players whose operation level is close to theirs.(Note: PvP is not encouraged)
Player vs. Player Stations
Once you reach level 15, you can join Station Combat.Tap on a station and attack it with the ship of your choice.Stations have their own defenses and will also participate in combat if a ship is docked at the attacked player.When a station is attacked, a 10-minute piece shield is automatically activated, preventing further attacks during the shield period, giving the player enough time to apply a longer shield.You may not attack a station belonging to a player in the alliance.(Note: We do not endorse station attacks.)
Armada Targets
Armada Targets will be discussed in detail in a separate article.

3.Station 基地
Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études—the catalyst for architectural transformations that enrich the world around us.
3 ステーションガイド
他のシステムを探索すると、一部のシステムには他のシステムよりも大きなマイニングノードがあることに気付くでしょう。より大きなマイニングノードを使用することで、ノードをリセットする前に(ノードを移動してノードに戻す)、より多くの材料を収集できます。プレーヤーは、必要な材料を備えたシステムに移動することにより、システムへの移動時間を短縮し、マイニング効率を向上させることができます。より低いレベル(18未満)のユーザーには、2 *の材料とそのノードサイズを含む優れたシステムがあります。
3 Station Guide
It is like a home for each player.However, there are important facilities to increase your power.Shields are available to protect you from attacks.
3-1 <Inside the station>
Enhance your ship and station by building and upgrading the facilities inside your station.There are a variety of facilities, each with different benefits.
Notable facilities:
HQ of Operations
Command center for the station.Upgrade this facility to increase player level and weapon damage bonuses and unlock additional facilities.
Houses officers not deployed on the ship.Upgrade this facility to recruit more officers and increase their officer status.
Research and Development Department
Build this facility to get the ability to research new technologies.Some technologies are prerequisites for building ships and facilities.
Persteel alloy, tritanium, and dilithium containment buildings
determine how much of each resource your station can hold.When the containment building is full, you will no longer be able to collect that resource from the resource generation facility.Resources obtained from containers, missions, stores, and events may exceed the capacity of the containment building.
The Persteel Alloy, Tritanium, and Dilithium Generation Building
produces resources over time.Tapping on the facility will collect the generated resources and add them to the resource stockpile.If the resource storage building has reached its maximum capacity, the resource cannot be collected from the generating building.
Persteel Alloy, Tritanium, Dilithium Storage Room
This is a place to secure a set amount of specific resources to prevent them from being taken by enemy players.
3-2 <External to Station>
Build and upgrade your station’s facilities to enhance the defense of your ship and station.
Defensive Platforms
Defensive platforms are the front line of defense for your station against enemy attacks.Defensive platforms are located outside the station.Defensive platforms can be upgraded using resources.Damage sustained by defensive platforms during combat is slowly repaired over time.
3-3 <moving for better mining>
Relocation tokens can be collected and used to relocate the base to another system with resources to mine.Find the HUB planet, tap on the planet, and move the relocated base.You will need to place your ship in the system you are relocating to or dock it at the base (fully repaired).
As you explore other systems, you will notice that some systems have larger mining nodes than others.Larger mining nodes allow players to collect more material before resetting the node (moving the node back to the node).Players can reduce travel time to the system and improve mining efficiency by moving to a system with the materials they need.For users at lower levels (less than 18), there are excellent systems that include 2 * material and their node size.

4.Evevt イベント
There are so many events coming up these days, it’s important to choose the right one without getting overwhelmed by them.
毎日のイベントは11日間のサイクルで繰り返し行われますので、予測は可能です。イベントの開始と終了は常にサーバー時間にリンクされているため、開始/終了時間は約0:00 UTC(日本時間9:00)です。可能です。イベントの開始と終了は常にサーバー時間にリンクされているため、開始/終了時間は約0:00 UTCです。

4-2 <イベントの種類>

4-3 <他のイベント>
・TC買収 テリトリーを獲得したり防衛するイベント。火曜日を除いて毎日行われる。
・無限のインカージョン 月に一度のサーバー間で行われるイベント。レベル25以上のプレイヤーが全員、止まらない襲撃に参加することができます。襲撃につながるスペシャルイベントはレベル10以上のプレイヤーが参加可能です。
4-1 <Dilly Event>.
Daily events repeat on an 11-day cycle and are predictable.Event start and end times are always linked to server time, so start/end times are approximately 0:00 UTC (9:00 GMT).Possible.The start and end of the event is always linked to server time, so the start/end time is approximately 0:00 UTC.

4-2 <Types of Events>
There are several types of events, categorized as Alliance Leader Board (ALB), Solo Leader Board (SLB), Solo Milestone (SMS), etc.
ALB events are earned by active alliance members who participate in the event to earn points.
SLB events are organized by independent players who join together as an alliance raid-like group.The higher the number of players participating, the higher the rewards.
SMS events are individual player types, with maximum points and rewards.

4-3 <Other Events>
This is explained separately.
TC Takeover An event to acquire or defend a territory.It is held every day except Tuesday.
∙ Infinite Incursions A monthly event that takes place between servers.All players level 25 and above are eligible to participate in the unstoppable incursion.Special events leading up to the raid are open to players level 10 and above.
∙ A new event, the Alliance Tournament, is an event in which players compete in different leagues by completing missions, with the top and bottom 25% of them being promoted and demoted.Rewards vary by league.

5. Mission ミッション
Enjoy the many stories! But there will be some things to watch out for. 数多くのストーリーを楽しみましょう! でも、注意することもありますよ。
5-1 <ミッション>

5-2 <ストーリー性>
・ミッションの目的 ・場所への旅行 ・ターゲットを破壊する ・資源等を寄付する
・ビルド/リサーチを完了する ・基地へ船を帰還させる
5-3 <ミッションと派閥>
5-1 <Mission>
Missions are tasks that will be assigned to you as you progress through the game.Rewards are received when you complete a mission.By performing the initial missions, you will get a feel for the flow of the game.If you are not sure what to do in the game, try completing some of the missions.As you fight, upgrade, and expand your power in the galaxy, new missions will appear.You can check the list of missions at any time by tapping the Mission button on the left side of the screen.Tap the mission on the left side of the mission screen to view the mission details.

5-2 <Storyline>
Missions are received by visiting the system and tapping on a planet while a ship is nearby.Missions have objectives within them and always have a story line.
-Mission objectives -Travel to a location -Destroy a target -Donate resources, etc.
-Complete a build/research -Return a ship to base
5-3 <Missions and Factions>
There are about 5000 missions and the number is increasing every year.One thing to keep in mind with this clearing is regarding faction points.Early in the game you should think about which faction you choose and whether you gain or lose those points.However, once you reach 10 million, 100 million, etc. points, the system is designed so that no less than 10 million, 100 million, etc. points can be gained, allowing you to gain an advantage with multiple factions.

6. Armada
同盟に加入してこそできるPvEの戦闘スタイルです。以下の説明はMG’s Armada guid の翻訳版となります。This is a style of PvE combat that can only be done by joining an alliance. The following description is a translated version of MG’s Armada guid.
表図は別サイトのものです。Table figure is from another site.
6-1 **アルマダの開始
<6-1-1 開始のためのACC>
アルマダを開始するには、レベル23で使用可能になる 「アルマダ・コントロール・センター」(ACC)を建設する必要があります。
<6-1-2 アルマダ・ターゲット>
アルマダを編成するには、アルマダターゲットを探します。 ターゲットをクリックし、紫色の「アルマダ」ボタンをクリックします。
<6-1-3 アルマダの開始 リーダー>
「アルマダ開始」をクリックすると、アルマダのタイマーが始まり、現在選択されている船がアルマダに移動し始めます。 アルマダが始動すると、アライアンスチャットにアルマダに関する通知が届きます。
<6-1-4 アルマダ参加>
アルマダに参加するアライアンスプレーヤーは、アルマダのシンボル(アルマダターゲットの横)をクリックし、「参加」をクリックします。 彼らはタイマーが終了するまでに(最後の10秒前だと思います)紫の円の中にいなければなりません。
<6-1-5 アルマダのパワー>
6-2 アルマダの戦利品
アルマダのターゲットを選択すると、「報酬 」ボタンをクリックして、勝利で得られる戦利品を確認することができます。 これは様々なので、複数のアルマダターゲットをチェックし、最も報酬が大きいものを選ぶといいでしょう。
6-3 戦利品の使用
<6-3-1 アライアンス・ストアー>
6-4 アルマダ指令
アンコモン・ディレクティブはACCをアップグレードしたり、アライアンスストアで毎週購入したり(100個)、デイリーを達成すると報酬箱から入手できます。 また、イベントでも入手できる(イベント「戦場の坩堝」では毎月購入できる)。 つまり、ACCが完了すると、1週間に約200のアンコモンディレクティブを受け取ることになります。
6-5 アルマダの種類
連邦、クリンゴン、ロミュラン、独立アルマダの標的は各宙域に存在する。 それらを検索したい場合は、ギャラクシービューでブックマークシンボルの右隣のアイコンをクリックし、「Hostiles 」を選択する。 アルマダのターゲットがいる可能性のある星系には、サーベイ/バトルシップ/インターセプター/エクスプローラーとは異なる、牙のような小さなシンボルが表示される。
これらのターゲットには特別な能力はなく、通常のパワーガイダンスが適用される。 アルマダの目標に命中するとプラスの評価を得るが、命中しても評価を失うことはない。
<6-5-1 通常のアルマダ>
交換所 Exchange Central “周辺に存在する。 攻撃にはExchange Directivesが必要。 ステラはこれらに対して大きなアドバンテージと戦利品ボーナスを持つ。 一般的に、レアなアルマダは戦利品を最大にするため、ステラばかりで構成することをお勧めする。 しかし、NSの 「タンク 」は戦利品の分配のバランスを保ち、タンクをすることでステラに多くのショットを打たせることができるからだ。(ステラは交換ターゲットに大ダメージを与えるが、最初のうちはかなり脆い)。
注意:レアボールトは難易度がかなり跳ね上がる。 15Mのアンコモンを簡単に倒せたとしても、16Mのレアに倒されるかもしれない。
アンコモンアルマダ:100ディレクティブ。 レアアルマダ:200ディレクティブ。 エピックアルマダ:250指令。
<6-5-2 カーデシア>
カーデシア: カーデシア」周辺で発見される。 これらのアルマダターゲットは通常のディレクティブを必要とし、通常のアルマダ戦利品と、アライアンスストアで消費できる特別なカーデシア戦利品(「スターベース」研究が可能になり、アライアンスにアライアンス・スターベースアップグレードのための材料を与える)の両方を与える。 また、「同盟の評判 」を上げることもできる。
アンコモンのカーデシアアルマダの目標にはクリティカルボーナスが加算される(1ターンにつき10%の確率アップ)。 つまり9ターン目には100%の確率でクリティカルヒットを出すことになる。その結果、通常の目標よりもはるかに難しくなる-目標パワーの80%~100%に近いパワーを狙おう(これはスターベース研究をするにつれて簡単になる)。
ガイラ(「敵対者 」にしか影響を与えないと言っているが)はカーデシアアルマダに影響を与える。 パイク(c)/モローと、ガイラの士官を最大にした3人のクルーは、カーデシアのクリティカルダメージを0%にすることができる。
アンコモンアルマダ:100ディレクティブ。 レアアルマダ:200ディレクティブ エピックアルマダ:500指令。
<6-5-3 編成アルマダ>
フォーメーション(編成): デルタ・クワドラント(例えば 「Kulak 」周辺)に存在する。
フォーメーション・アルマダは3つのアルマダ(最大4隻ずつ)が同時にターゲットを攻撃する。 アーティファクトとアーティファクトの戦利品をギャラリーに提供する。これを開くにはフォーメーション・アルマダ・ディレクティブが必要である。 主にデイリー達成の報酬として手に入る。
1/3、2/3、3/3の3つのアルマダはそれぞれ弱点を持っている。 1/3は戦艦に、2/3は探検船に、3/3は迎撃船に弱い。 そのため、艦種ごとにグループ分けを試みるべきである。
フォーメーションアルマダには、各アルマダグループに1隻ずつ参加させることができます。 戦利品はそれぞれ個別に与えられる。
通常、編隊の各アルマダ目標は別のプレイヤーが開戦しなければならない。 つまり、最初のプレイヤーが1つを開始したら、他のメンバーは数分以内に他のターゲットを開始しなければならない。
フォーメーション・アルマダのターゲットは通常のターゲットよりも等速ダメージが大きく、やや硬い。 フォーメーション・アルマダにはサポート艦が特に役立つ!
<6-5-4 レア・編成アルマダ>
レア・フォーメーション・アルマダはフォーメーション・アルマダと同じ働きをするが、到達するには65ワープが必要で、ヴェリンガンの 「シルバー・スカー 」ミッション(レベル38)をクリアする必要がある。 レアなフォーメーション・ターゲットはより多くのアイソリティック・ダメージ・アーティファクトを与える。
アンコモンアルマダ:100指令。 レア・アーマダ:200ディレクティブ
6-6 アルマダのヒント
<6-6-1 アルマダは「敵対勢力」ではない>
つまり、チェン、モロー、トゥラーン……「敵対勢力」に対して起動する士官は、アルマダに対しては役に立たない。 例外はガイラで、彼女は「敵対勢力」に対してのみ発動すると言っているが、カーデシアのアルマダには影響を与える。
<6-6-2 対象のステータス効果は共有される>
いずれかのプレイヤーがアルマダの目標に「Burning」または「Hull Breach」を適用した場合、全員が恩恵を受ける。 Hull Breachはクリティカルヒットダメージを増加させる(50%ブースト)。 バーニングはターゲットに毎ラウンド1%のHHPダメージを与える。 しかし、どちらもアルマダ内の全員にオフィサーの恩恵をもたらす。
<6-6-3 対象のステータス効果はスタックしない>
1ラウンドに2回Burningを適用しても追加効果はない。 その結果、通常アルマダメンバーのうち1人だけが 「Burning 」クルー、1人が 「Hull Breach 」クルーを連れてくるのがベストである。 それ以上はおそらく無駄である。 しかし、それぞれの利点から、アルマダにとってそれぞれ1人ずつを入れることは価値がある-特にバーニングは(長期戦では船体ダメージが加算されることを考えると)。
<6-6-4 スポック/カーク>
アルマダの士官が揃うまでは、スポック/カークはかなり長く生き残るのに役立つ優秀なチームだ。 3人目のオフィサー枠は、チームによってネロ/ゴルコン/アゼツバー/ボーンズに使うことができる。
<6-6-5 事前に調整しておくこと>
できればチームを見つけ、それからターゲットを選ぶ。 5Mのパワーを持つチームなら、1.5Mのターゲットにディレクティブを使いたくはないだろう!
バランスの取れたチームを目指そう: できることなら、できるだけ大きなターゲットを打つ限り、ほぼバランスの取れたチームの方が、より良い戦利品を手に入れることができる。 しかし、より大きな目標を打つために少しバランスを崩すのは良いことだ!
コミュニケーションをとろう: 第2アルマダを開く場合は、まず確認しよう! チームメイトが船を修理するために離脱する場合、間に合わないかもしれない! スピードラウンドロビン “をするのであれば、チームの連携と計画が特に重要だ。
<6-6-6 クルーをダブルチェックすること>
私はいつもこうしている。アルマダに駆けつけ、PvE用のPMCクルーを持っているが、アルマダ相手には全く役に立たない! 適切なオフィサーがいることを確認しよう。
<6-6-7 エチケットガイドに従おう>
混乱や失望を避けるために、次項のエチケットガイドを参照してください。 プレイヤーにとって、アルマダまで8mも移動しておきながら仲間外れにされるのは悔しいものです!
<6-6-8 レア戦利品は取っておこう>
レア戦利品は貴重であることを忘れないでください! 少なくともレベル32になり、戦利品テーブルでエピックBPを確認できるようになるまで取っておきましょう。 戦利品を最大にするために、レアな指示は良いターゲットに当たるまで取っておこう!
コアを手に入れるのを手伝おう ACCを強化するには、コアの戦利品を手に入れるためにあなたをアルマダに入れてくれる人が必要だ。 同様に、戦利品をタクティカルコアにつぎ込み続けることをお勧めする。
6-7 アルマダのエチケット
このガイドは、アルマダに関するコミュニケーションを助け、期待と責任を設定することを目的としています。 アルマダでは、しばしば混乱や計画ミス、コミュニケーションミスが失望や不満につながります。
1) アルマダリーダーはチームに責任を持つ。 チームがすでに選ばれている場合、アルマダリーダーはアルマダウィンドウでそのチームを「星」付けし、より大きなプレーヤーが参加することによって追い出されないようにします。 アルマダリーダーは誰がアルマダに参加するかを決める責任があります。
2) アルマダが始まる前に、アルマダについてコミュニケーションをとる。 そうすることで、良いターゲットを選ぶことができ、チームのほとんどを知っていて、参加するのに十分な距離にいる。
3) アルマダを結成する際、アライアンスチャットで誰がすでにチームに参加しているか、さらに空きがあるかどうかを伝える。 特定の船(Stella、NS、Vi’Dar)が必要な場合は全員に伝えてください。
4) 空いているアルマダに参加する場合、アライアンスチャットに「omw」とETAを伝えてください。「omw, 4m20」のように伝えると、今向かっていて4分20秒で到着します。
5) 一般的に、もし空きがあれば、最初にアライアンス・チャットで「OMW」とコールした者が優先されるはずである。 ただし、誰が参加するかはアルマダリーダーがコントロールする(例えば、必要であれば、より強力なプレイヤーを選んで参加させることもできる)。
6) 一般的に、「ラウンドロビン 」アルマダは、交代でアルマダリーダーを務めるので、全員が指示を共有することができます。 もし共有できるものがなければ、それでも構いませんが、チームに知らせてください。 もし共有するディレクティブを持っている人は、優先的にチームに参加できるかもしれません。
7) 黙ってAFKにならないこと。 アルマダは連携とコミュニケーションを必要とするので、もしあなたがAFKしている場合はチームに知らせる必要があります。
8) 大きな船を持っている場合、他のプレイヤーよりはるかに強いときは、アルマダに参加する前に尋ねてください。 2Mのセンチュリオンは小さなアルマダの目標には必要ないかもしれません!
9) 「スピードラウンドロビン 」を行う場合、チームとコミュニケーションをとり、誰が次に始めるか、またそのタイミングを見極めることが重要である。 アルマダのターゲットはなるべく近くに、順番に選ぶこと。
10) 楽しもう! 指示を出す人に感謝すること! 特に言葉の壁がある場合は、理解してあげましょう。 そして、戦利品を祝おう!

Lv30までのアルマダ・ターゲットの星系一覧です。Here is a list of star systems for armada targets up to Lv 30.

6-1 **Starting an Armada
<To start an armada, you must build an “Armada Control Center” (ACC), which becomes available at level 23 .
<To organize an armada, locate the armada target . Click on the target, then click the purple “Armada” button.
< 6-1-3 Starting Armada Leader>
After clicking “Start Armada”, the Armada timer will start and the currently selected ship will begin moving to the Armada. Once the armada is started, a notification about the armada will be sent to the Alliance Chat.
The person who started the Armada (Armada Leader) must have a ship in the purple Armada circle when the timer ends.
<6-1-4 Joining an Armada>
Alliance players who wish to join an Armada click on the Armada symbol (next to the Armada target) and click “Join”. They must be inside the purple circle by the time the timer expires (think 10 seconds before the end).
When the timer expires, the selected ship fights the Armada target and hopefully wins.
<6-1-5 Armada Power>
As a general rule, if the selected team’s power is 2/3 of the Armada target, it is likely to win the Armada battle.
<6-1-5 Armada Power>
As a general rule, if the selected team’s power is 2/3 of the Armada Target, it is likely to win the Armada Battle.
6-2 Armada Spoils
Once you have selected an Armada target, you can click on the “Rewards” button to see the loot you will receive for your victory. This varies, so you may want to check multiple Armada targets and choose the one that offers the most rewards.
Additionally, the armada leader always gets the loot, and each member has a random chance to get the loot.
6-3 Using Loot
<6-3-1 Alliance Store>
Normal Armada loot can be used in the Alliance Store.
6-4 Armada Directive
Uncommon Directives can be obtained by upgrading your ACC, purchasing weekly from the Alliance Store (100 units), or from the Reward Box when you complete a Daily. They can also be obtained at events (they can be purchased monthly at the “Crucible of War” event). This means that once your ACC is complete, you will receive approximately 200 uncommon directives per week.
In other words, you will get a lot of directives when you have just upgraded your ACC (because the upgrade is completed quickly), but as you move up levels, you will get directives much more slowly.
6-5 Armada Types
Federation, Klingon, Romulan, and Independent Armada targets exist in each of the space zones. To search for them, click on the icon to the right of the bookmark symbol in Galaxy View and select “Hostiles”. The star systems that may have Armada targets will show a small fang-like symbol that is different from the Survey/Battleship/Interceptor/Explorer.
These targets have no special abilities and normal power guidance applies. A hit on an armada target will result in a positive rating, but a hit will not result in a loss of rating.
<6-5-1 Normal Armada>
Normal Armada requires a 15 minute timer to participate.
Uncommon Armada: 100 directives.
Rare Armada: 200 Directive.
Epic Armada: 500 Directive.
Located around the “Exchange Central” exchange center. Exchange Directives are needed to attack them. Stella has a significant advantage and loot bonus against these. In general, it is recommended that rare armadas be composed entirely of Stella in order to maximize loot. However, NS “tanks” are a good idea because they keep the loot distribution balanced and tanking allows Stella to take more shots.(Stella does a lot of damage to replacement targets, but is quite fragile at first).
Note: The Rare Vault is a significant jump in difficulty. Even if you can easily take down a 15M uncommon, you may be taken down by a 16M rare.
The exchange armada has a 7 minute timer and members must be nearby to make it in time.
Uncommon Armada: 100 directives. Rare Armada: 200 Directive. Epic Armada: 250 Directives.
<6-5-2 Cardecia>
Cardecia: found in the vicinity of “Cardecia”. These armada targets require regular directives, and both regular armada loot and special Cardesia loot that can be consumed at the Alliance Store (enables “Starbase” research and gives the Alliance materials for Alliance Starbase upgrades).Gives. It can also increase the “reputation of the Alliance”.
The uncommon Kadesia Armada target adds a critical bonus (10% chance increase per turn). This means that by turn 9, there is a 100% chance of a critical hit.The result is much harder than a normal target – aim for close to 80%-100% of target power (this gets easier as you do starbase research).
Gaila (who says it only affects “adversaries”) affects the Cardesian Armada. Pike(c)/Morrow and a crew of three with a maximum of Gaila’s officers can reduce Cardecia’s critical damage to 0%.
Cardecia’s rare and epic targets have additional unique loot in addition to the usual rare/epic loot.
The Cardecia Armada has a 7-minute timer, so members must be in the vicinity in time.
Uncommon armada: 100 directives. Rare Armada: 200 Directives Epic Armada: 500 Directives.
< 6-5-3 Formation Armada>
Formation: Located in the Delta Quadrant (e.g., around “Kulak”).
Formation armada consists of three armadas (up to four ships each) attacking a target simultaneously. Artifacts and artifact loot are offered to the gallery.To open this you will need a Formation Armada Directive. It is mainly obtained as a reward for daily achievements.
Each of the three armadas (1/3, 2/3, and 3/3) has its own weaknesses. The 1/3 are vulnerable to battleships, the 2/3 to expedition ships, and the 3/3 to interceptors. Therefore, an attempt should be made to group the ships by ship type.
Formation Armada can have one ship in each Armada group. Each is given its own individual loot.
Normally, each armada target in the formation must be opened by a different player. That is, once the first player starts one, the other members must start the other targets within a few minutes.
All three armada teams must win in order to gain full spoils.
Formation Armada targets are slightly harder than normal targets with more constant damage. Support vessels are especially useful for Formation Armada!
< 6-5-4 Rare Formation Armada>
Rare Formation Armada works the same as Formation Armada, but requires 65 warps to reach and the “Silver Scar” mission (level 38) in Velingan.The rare formation target is the “Silver Scar” mission (level 38) in Velingan. Rare formation targets deal more isolitic damage artifacts.
Coordination is key with formation targets.
Formation Armada targets have a 15-minute timer.
Uncommon Armada: 100 directives. Rare Armada: 200 directive.
6-6 Armada Tips
< 6-6-1 Armada is not a “hostile force”
i.e., Chen, Morrow, Tulane ……An officer who activates against “hostile forces” is useless against Armada. The exception is Guyra, who says she only activates against “hostile forces” but affects the armada in Cardassia.
< 6-6-2 Target status effects are shared.
If any player applies Burning or Hull Breach to an Armada target, everyone benefits. Hull Breach increases critical hit damage (50% boost). Burning deals 1% HHP damage per round to the target. However, both provide Officer benefits to everyone in the armada.
< 6-6-3 Target status effects do not stack.
Applying Burning twice in one round has no additional effect. As a result, it is usually best to have only one Armada member bring a “Burning” crew and one bring a “Hull Breach” crew. Anything more than that is probably futile. However, the advantages of each make it worthwhile for the Armada to include one of each – especially the Burning (given that hull damage adds up in the long run).
< 6-6-4 Spock/Kirk>
Spock/Kirk is an excellent team that will help you survive quite a while until you have enough Armada officers. The third officer slot can be used for Nero/Golcon/Azetubar/Bones, depending on the team.
< 6-6-5 Pre-coordination>
Find a team, if possible, and then pick a target. A team with 5M power would not want to spend directives on a 1.5M target!
Aim for a balanced team: If possible, an almost balanced team will get better loot as long as they hit the biggest targets possible. However, it is good to be a little off-balance in order to hit bigger targets!
Communicate: if you are opening a second armada, check first! If a teammate leaves to repair the ship, he or she may not make it in time! Team coordination and planning is especially important if you are doing a “speed round robin.
< 6-6-6 Double check your crew>
I do this all the time.I run into Armada and have a PMC crew for PvE, but they are completely useless against Armada! Make sure you have the right officer.
<6-6-7 Follow the Etiquette Guide>
To avoid confusion and disappointment, please refer to the Etiquette Guide in the next section. It is frustrating for a player to be left out of the group after traveling 8 meters to the armada!
< 6-6-8 Save your rare loot>
Remember that rare loot is valuable! Save it until you are at least level 32 and can see the epic BPs in the loot table. To maximize your loot, save the rare instructions until you hit a good target!
Help us get the core! To strengthen ACC, we need people to put you in the armada to get the core loot. Likewise, I recommend that you continue to put your loot into the tactical core.
6-7 Armada Etiquette
This guide is intended to help you communicate about the Armada and set expectations and responsibilities. Confusion, misplanning, and miscommunication often lead to disappointment and frustration in Armada.
1) The Armada Leader is responsible for the team. If a team has already been selected, the Armada Leader will “star” that team in the Armada Window to ensure that they are not ousted by a larger player joining. The Armada Leader is responsible for deciding who will participate in the Armada.
2) Communicate with them about the armada before the armada begins. That way you can pick good targets, know most of the team and are close enough to join.
3) When forming an armada, tell them in alliance chat who is already on the team and if there are more openings. If you need a specific ship (Stella, NS, Vi’Dar), tell everyone.
4) If you are joining an available armada, tell the alliance chat “omw” and ETA.If you tell them something like “omw, 4m20” they are on their way and will be there in 4 minutes and 20 seconds.
5) Generally, if there is an opening, the first person to call “OMW” in the alliance chat should have priority. However, the armada leader will control who joins (e.g., he/she may choose a more powerful player to join, if necessary).
6) Generally, “round robin” armadas take turns being the armada leader so everyone can share instructions. If you do not have one to share, that is still fine, but please let the team know. If you have a directive to share, you may be given priority to join the team.
7) Do not be AFK without telling us. Armada requires coordination and communication, so if you are AFK you need to let your team know.
8) If you have a big ship, ask before joining an armada when you are much stronger than the other players. A 2M centurion may not be necessary for a small armada goal!
9) When conducting a “speed round robin” it is important to communicate with the team to determine who will start next and when. Armada targets should be chosen as close together as possible and in order.
10) Have fun! Appreciate those who give you instructions! Be understanding, especially if there is a language barrier. And let’s celebrate the spoils of war!

7. ROE & Playing Style ROEとプレースタイル
これから述べることは、かなり私見がはいるものです。私が何を考えてプレーしてきたのかを理解していただくのが目的です。ただ、ならず者(Rogue)にはならないでほしいということはお願いします。それ以外の様々なプレースタイルは、あなたが判断し決めていくことです。What I am about to say is quite personal.The purpose is for you to understand what I have been thinking and playing.However, I ask that you do not become a rogue (Rogue).Other than that, the various styles of play are for you to judge and decide.
彼らは、いずれROEを知ることができるのでしょうか。あるいは、ROEを守るような転向をするのでしょうか? それは不明です。しかし、一度コンタクトをとれば、私たちは、そうしたならず者のプレイーを追跡する方法があり、ハンドル名を変えても分かるので、きちんとした運営をしている同盟には入れないことが多いために、かれらは小さな同盟に入るということが多いようです。

7 様々なプレイヤー
ROEに沿った攻撃をされても、all good(いいよ。気にしないで、と言うような意味)と返すと、手のグッドマークだったり、Sorryと返えしてくれるプレイヤーがいます。もちろん、何もない、無言(無視)のプレイヤーもいます。短いながらも言葉をやりとりするプレイヤーと、無視する(気にしない)プレイヤーがいるということです。
7-1 ROE遵守の基本
私たちは、この意味では捉えません。その元になるのは、フレンドシップやジェントルマンシップの考えです。また、フェアプレーという考えです。相手はどのようなプレイヤーか分からないからこそ、その精神で対応すべきであるということです。攻撃された場合でもall goodやSorryを発すのはその精神ですし、0-node攻撃の5分待機・警告も、無断で攻撃はしないというジェントルマンシップです。攻撃後のSorryはフレンドシップではないかと思うのです。
7-2 プレースタイル
あなたのプレースタイルは、あなたが決めそれを行えばいいことです。しかし、あなたは1人のプレイヤーでもあると同時に、同盟のメンバーであることも忘れないでほしいと思います。そして、ゲームの先輩として、同僚や後輩にも思いやりのあるまなざしと励ましでメンバーや他のプレイヤーにも支援をしてほしいと願っています。もし、初心者やニューカマーであれば、気軽にだが尊敬をもって分からないことを尋ねてほしいと思います。こられが、Next generationとして、自らも含めて、仲間を育てるという同盟としての本来の目的にかなうことだからです
7-3 再掲 1人の外交官
The figure below is a conceptual diagram.We, the players, are positioned in two broad categories.That is, we can either be a member of an alliance or play as a solo player.And what I have shown here is an example that describes the style of play in terms of ROE.
There are alliances with members who do not adhere to ROE, and that may be the admiral.Such alliances seem to be the ones that tend to attract solo players who do not abide by the ROE.There are also admirals of alliances who are indifferent to their operations, and this, too, can be a place for the rogue to hide.
Will they eventually learn about the ROE?Or will they turn around and defend the ROE? That is unknown.However, it seems that they often join small alliances because once they make contact, we have a way to track these rogue playees and can tell if they change handles, so they often don’t get into well-run alliances.

English translations were not available.
7 Various players
It is the Rogue that haunts us.This name is given by the affected alliance, as many players have been harmed for not following the rules of ROE.It is also made known to each alliance by being designated as a rogue on the Discord server, where each alliance can report ROE violations or declare war.Most of them are completely silent and unresponsive and cannot be explained or persuaded of the ROE.And the trouble is that if we attack a rogue, they will often attack us in retaliation.
The next thing that bothers us is when a particular player attacks us repeatedly within the rules of the ROE.Sometimes it is a specific individual, sometimes it is a different member of the alliance.This can only be described as bullying and harassment.Sometimes, they change their alliance or handle name, or create a new alliance to attack you.
Second, sometimes the attack is not an attack on the ship, but rather a conversational attack.If we mistakenly attack and apologize, they respond with foul language.Even if we attacked them according to the ROE rules, we sometimes get a tirade calling us idiots.
Next time, feel a little better!And what do you think?I am a player who is concerned about this.
If you are attacked along the ROE and you respond with an all good (okay, don’t worry about it), some players will respond with a good mark on their hand or a Sorry.If you respond with an “all good” (as in “don’t worry about it”), some players will respond with a good mark on their hand or even a “sorry”.Of course, there are also players who do not say anything and just ignore.This means that there are players who exchange a few words, albeit brief, and there are players who ignore (don’t care).
Other attacks that follow the ROE rules include the following
0-node attacks, even though a warning is all that is required, “We are about to attack.”Some of them say “I’m sorry.Some players also issue a “Sorry” after the attack.There are also players who give a warning or a short apology after the fact, just before or after an OPC attack, even if it is a silent OPC attack.This, for example, may be more of a person’s character than an ROE perspective.
And, if you think about it further, station attacks are very rare, and it is also extremely rare for warships to be attacked.Considering all of this, you will notice that even if we say we comply with the ROE rules, we are not sure which ones we are following, what we are avoiding, or what we are holding back on.
Furthermore, if our side adds some kind of topic, not just a short one like the above, it may lead to a small conversation in response.From there, the relationship may develop into an intermittent conversation.
There are indeed a variety of players, and depending on how you respond, there are also players with whom you can have a conversation.
In this way, it seems to me that we must also consider the following three points in terms of ROE and how we are playing the game.
◆ How are we playing with fair play in mind?
◆ How do you think about Gentlemanship and play?
◆ How do you think about friendship?
7-1 Basics of ROE Compliance
This is in the explanation on ROE, so I will just review.
As we have said many times, ” ROE is not a license to kill.”This is a warning that there is a danger in doing this just because it is allowed.This is more of a warning not to bully and harass.It can also be understood as a warning to the major alliances not to attack us, even within their ROEs, because to do so is an act of aggression.
There is also the lesson from the past that ” aggression begets aggression,” and it is understood that even an attack within the ROE can be met with retaliation.
Is it a somewhat reluctant understanding to not attack because of the fear of being attacked?
We do not take it in this sense.The source of this is the idea of Friendship and Gentlemanship.It is also the idea of fair play.It means that because we do not know what kind of players our opponents are, we should respond to them in that spirit.It is in that spirit to say ALL GOOD or SORRY even when attacked, and the 5-minute wait/warning for a 0-node attack is also gentlemanly, as you do not attack without permission.Sorry after an attack is friendship, I think.
The basis of this game is that it is a “war game,” and it is okay to be unsympathetic.Some players seem to think that it is more important to look for the next prey than to issue a reply, but we believe that we should not pair up with this.What do you think?
7-2 Style of Play
Your style of play is whatever you decide and do it.However, I would like you to remember that you are one player as well as a member of the Alliance.And as a senior player in the game, I hope that you will support your members and other players with a caring gaze and encouragement to your colleagues and juniors.If you are a beginner or a newcomer, please feel free to ask questions in a respectful manner.This will serve the original purpose of the Alliance, which is to nurture the next generation of people, including ourselves!
7-3 Reiterated 1 Diplomat
When you play, your ship will have an “alliance name (tag)” as a sign of your shipbut this will be your business card as a diplomat.We hope that you will play with a spirit of fair play, gentleness, and friendship.

8. Faction 派閥
私たちは1つ以上の派閥に入り、評判ポイントを稼ぐことによって、艦船やクルーを手に入れる機会を増やすことができます。反対に評判ポイントが悪い時には、その派閥の星系にはいると、敵とみなされ自動的に攻撃を受けることになります。 We join one or more factions and earn reputation points to increase our chances of getting ships and rew.Conversely, when we have bad reputation points, we are considered enemies and are automatically attacked if we enter that faction’s star system.

<8 派閥>
<8 Factions>
There are several factions in the game.These include the Federations, Klingons, Romulans, Augments, and Independents.You determine the daily goals of your faction and whether or not your ship will attack in your faction’s star system (except for Independents, etc.), increasing your respective reputation points.The goal is then to earn rewards for each level.If you become an enemy, you are automatically the target of an attack when you invade a faction’s star system.
<8-1 3大派閥>
Positive Reputationの各Tierは、主にFederationクレジットを使用してFactionストアから購入できる新しいアイテムのロックを解除します。アイテムのリストは長いですが、とりわけ、連邦船の設計図、連邦募集トークン、および原材料を見つけることができます。
<8-1 Three Core Factions>
The Federation, Romulan, and Klingon factions are the three core factions that can advance the game.
Joining any of them and killing Federation, Romulan, or Klingon opponents will give each of them points of positive and negative reputation.
To advance in rank, you must focus on collecting positive reputation from your actions.There are several ways to collect reputation points, including participating in Faction events, killing opposing Factions adversaries, and completing missions.
As your reputation changes, you will be categorized accordingly in the Faction store.If the category is below acceptable, enemy hostiles will be generated when you enter that star system, and ships with more power ships than normal will try to destroy you as you enter!
Each tier of Positive Reputation unlocks new items that can be purchased from the Faction Store, primarily using Federation Credits.The list of items is long, but among others, you will find Federation Ship Blueprints, Federation Recruitment Tokens, and Raw Materials.
As an important note, there are commendations in the list of items available for purchase in the Faction Store.They are only required for certain missions and should only be purchased if that mission is on the active list.

<8-2 評判ロック>
フェデレーション、ロミュラン、クリンゴンのような派閥では、ゲームの特定のアクションに応じて評判が減少または増加する可能性があります(ミッションで間違った側を選択したり、そのスペースで派 ⁇ の船を殺したりなど)。
一方、Augment、Outlaw、Bajoranの評判は動作が異なります。彼らはFaction Locksを持っていませんが、あなたの評判を下げることはできません。
<8-2 Reputation Lock>
Factions offer several advantages, from exclusive vessels to protection in their space.Choosing wisely is important, but fortunately, you don’t have to devote yourself to one.
Factions such as Federations, Romulans, and Klingons can have their reputations reduced or increased depending on certain actions in the game (such as choosing the wrong side in a mission or killing a faction ⁇ ship in that space).
The Factions listed above have four reputation locks at 10M points, 1B points, 15B points, and 500B points.Once a reputation lock is reached, the reputation will never go below that lock.This can be helpful if you want to increase your reputation in other Factions.
On the other hand, Augment, Outlaw, and Bajoran reputations operate differently.They do not have Faction Locks, but they cannot lower your reputation.
<8-3 オーグメント派閥>
オーグメント派閥はポジティブのみであり、あなたの行動に応じて評判を失うことはありません。ミッションとイベントを完了するか、Augment Faction Storeで対応するパックを購入することで、Augment Reputationを取得できます。
Augment Factionストアでは、Augment Tokens、Common-Rare Plutonium(ボタニーベイ、ハイジャックドシップに必要)、ハイジャックドシップブループリント、インディペンデントクレジット、Augment Recruit Chests、およびSpecial Avatarsを購入できます。
<8-3 Augment Faction>
Augment Faction is positive only and you do not lose reputation based on your actions.You can obtain Augment Reputation by completing missions and events or by purchasing the corresponding packs in the Augment Faction Store.
At the Augment Faction Store, you can purchase Augment Tokens, Common-Rare Plutonium (required for Botany Bay and Hijacked Ship), Hijacked Ship Blueprints, Independent Credits, Augment Recruit Chestsand Special Avatars.
The primary currency of the Augment store is corrupted data (red) and decoded data (green), which can be mined in the Augment space.These can be exchanged for augment credits, which are used to purchase other items in the store.
The ship Botany Bay is the most efficient ship for mining data.Due to the way Khan’s experiment coordinated the expansion space, the higher the system, the faster the data collection!
On an important note, as you build your reputation in Augment, the other races in the Augment sector (who do not like Khan and his Augments moving in and destroying their systems) will become hostile.They may even hire bounty hunters to target you while you are in the Augment space.
<8-4 独立者Rogue派閥>
Rogue派閥はポジティブのみであり、あなたの行動に応じて評判を失うことはありません。ミッションとイベントを完了するか、Outlaw Faction Storeで対応するパックを購入することで、Rogue Reputationを取得できます。
Rogue派閥のストアでは、珍しい珍しいウラン、無法者の研究ロック解除、無法者のワープトークン、無法者の募集チェスト、無法者の研究クレジット、およびEclipse Armada指令を取得できます。これは、ステラの廃棄から受け取ったステラハルスキャンを引き換えて、ブループリントを受け取って再構築できる場所でもあります。
Rogueストアで使用される通貨は、Eclipse Hostilesの殺害から受け取ったEclipse Security Codesと、Eclipse Armadasの破壊から受け取ったEclipse Armada Lootです。
<8-4 Independents Rogue faction>
The Rogue faction is positive only and you do not lose reputation based on your actions.You can obtain Rogue Reputation by completing missions and events or by purchasing the corresponding packs in the Outlaw Faction Store.
In the Rogue Faction Store, you can obtain rare and unusual uranium, Outlaw Research Unlocked, Outlaw Warp Tokens, Outlaw Recruitment Chests, Outlaw Research Credits, and Eclipse Armada Directives.This is also where blueprints can be received and rebuilt in exchange for stellar hull scans received from Stellar Disposal.
The currency used in the Rogue Store is Eclipse Security Codes received from the killing of Eclipse Hostiles and Eclipse Armada Loot received from the destruction of Eclipse Armadas.
The Stella is the most effective ship for both Eclipse Hostiles and Eclipse Armadas.By regularly discarding Stella, you receive Stella particles (and Hull Scan) which are used in the Outlaw Research Tree to increase Stella’s power and capabilities.
It is important to note that the Rogue store is operated by Outlaws and items become more expensive as their reputation grows.
<8-5 バジョラン>
バジョラン派閥はポジティブのみであり、あなたの行動に応じて評判を失うことはありません。Factionのロックを解除するには、Opsレベル35でミッションを完了するだけです“One Man’s Villain Part 5 ”または“Doctor Tailor Soldier Spy Part 5 ”。Bajoran Reputationは、毎日のReputationチェストを購入することで取得できます。
バジョランのストアの主要通貨は、Bajoran FactionクレジットとBajoran Factionトークンです。これらは、ドミニオンスペースでジェムハダーの敵対者またはソロアルマダスを殺すことによって得ることができます。
バジョラン派閥ストアでは、ミッション、リフィット、Alliance Starbaseの資料、Deep Space 9 Officer Gachaなどを購入できます。
また、FactionストアでBajoran Favorsを購入することで、ゲームのさまざまな側面を強化することもできます。Jem’Hadarからの戦利品の増強とBajoran評判の増加からゲーム間の利点の獲得まで、Bajoran Favorsは後に行く価値があります!
バジョラン派閥は、バジョランストアで購入して進行できます。それらのロックを解除するには、適切な評判レベルにあり、対応するBajoran FactionクレジットまたはBajoran Factionトークンを費やす必要があります。
<8-5 Bajoran>
Bajoran is one of the oldest cultures in the Alpha quadrant.It is a deeply spiritual society of artists, scientists, and thinkers.Once peaceful, the Bajorans were forced to take up arms when their world was occupied by the brutal Cardassians.Thus, they understand the importance of resisting oppression.Aided by their faith in the Celestial Prophet, the mystical wormhole of Bajoran space, they are ready to fight and no one else is suffering.
The Bajoran faction is positive only and will not lose reputation depending on your actions.To unlock Faction, simply complete the mission at Ops level 35 “One Man’s Villain Part 5” or “Doctor Tailor Soldier Spy Part 5”.Bajoran Reputation can be obtained by purchasing daily Reputation chests.
The primary currencies in the Bajoran store are Bajoran Faction Credits and Bajoran Faction Tokens.These can be earned by killing Jem’Hadar adversaries or Solo Almadas in Dominion space.
In the Bajoran Faction Store, you can purchase missions, refits, Alliance Starbase materials, Deep Space 9 Officer Gacha, and more.
You can also purchase Bajoran Favors in the Faction Store to enhance various aspects of your game, from boosting your loot from Jem’Hadar and increasing your Bajoran reputation to gaining game-to-game advantages, BajoranFavors is worth going after!
Bajoran Factions can be purchased and progressed in the Bajoran Store.To unlock them, you must be at the appropriate reputation level and spend the corresponding Bajoran Faction credits or Bajoran Faction tokens.
<8-6 元ボーグ>
Ex-Borgは、それらが何であるかではなく、そうでないものによって定義されます。彼らはボーグではありません。彼らは機械ではありません。彼らは単に彼らから奪われた人生を取り戻すために一生懸命努力している人々です。これらの難民は、深く根本的な恐怖を呼び起こす人種への消えないつながりのために憤 ⁇ しているが、彼らの技術は権力と利益を求める人々によって切望されている。元ボーグは、彼らがそうしなかったことを望む銀河に存在するという彼らのまさに権利のために戦っています。
Ex-Borg Factionはポジティブのみであり、あなたの行動に応じて評判を失うことは不可能です。Factionのロックを解除するには、Opsレベル38でミッションを完了するだけです“最初のEx-Borg評判ポイントを受け取るには、”もいます。
Ex-Borg Factionは、“Freebooter Hunt ”と“Freebooter Dominance ”の2つの毎日の目標をもたらし、それぞれ2人と6人のFreebooter敵を殺す必要があります。フリーブーターは破壊するのが難しいので、司令官は創造的にならなければなりません! Ex-Borgクレジットは両方の毎日の目標から獲得できますが、評判は“Freebooter Hunt ”によってのみ提供されます。
<8-6 Ex-Borg>
Ex-Borg are defined by what they are not, not what they are.They are not Borg.They are not machines.They are simply people striving hard to reclaim the lives that were taken from them.These refugees are ⁇ for their indelible connection to a race that evokes deep and fundamental fears, but their skills are coveted by those seeking power and profit.Ex-Borg are fighting for their very right to exist in a galaxy they wish they did not.
Ex-Borg Faction is positive only and it is impossible to lose reputation depending on your actions.To unlock Faction, simply complete the mission at Ops level 38 to receive your first Ex-Borg Reputation point,”To receive your first Ex-Borg Reputation point, you will also be there.
Ex-Borg Faction brings two daily objectives, “Freebooter Hunt” and “Freebooter Dominance,” with two and six respectively.Freebooter enemies must be killed.Freebooters are difficult to destroy, so commanders must be creative! Ex-Borg credits can be earned from both daily goals, but reputation is only offered by the “Freebooter Hunt”.
<8-7 重要な注意事項>
派閥のロックを解除したら、イベントのリセットまで待って、“Freebooter ” Daily Goalsを確認する必要があります。
Ex-Borgクレジットは、Ex-Borg Researchツリーのノードのロックを解除するため、または派 ⁇ のチェストを購入することにより、特定の毎日の粉砕活動でより効率的にするために使用できます。Ex-Borg Faction Storeチェストは、特定の船’ティアに基づいていることに注意してください(毎日の粉砕活動によって異なります。例:Actian Venom-Mantis Tier)。
Ex-Borg Researchツリーは、既存のアクティビティをより効率的にすることにより、全体的なエクスペリエンスを向上させるさまざまなノードを提供します。一部のノードは、材料コストの効率、マイニングレート、および戦闘バフ(ピアス、緩和、SHP、HHP、PVPダメージの低減)を強化します。
<8-7 Important Notes>
Once you have unlocked your faction, you will need to wait until the event resets to review the “Freebooter ” Daily Goals.
Research associated with the Daily Goals may not be performed immediately (same as above), depending on the timeframe in which the research was completed.
Ex-Borg credits can be used to unlock nodes in the Ex-Borg Research tree or to be more efficient in certain daily smash activities by purchasing ⁇ chests.Ex-Borg Faction Store chests are specific shipNote that they are based on ‘tiers’ (depending on the daily crushing activity.(Example: Actian Venom-Mantis Tier).
The Ex-Borg Research tree provides a variety of nodes that improve the overall experience by making existing activities more efficient.Some nodes enhance material cost efficiency, mining rates, and combat buffs (piercing, mitigation, SHP, HHP, PVP damage reduction).

9. Station
Each player’s base should be moved to an appropriate space area for efficient mining of resources and other resources and PvE.
<9 よりよい採掘のための再配置>
<9 Relocation for better mining>
Collect a base relocation token and use it to relocate the bestation to another star system with resources that can be mined.Find a HUB planet to move to, tap on the planet, and click on Relocate Base.Note that you must place a ship in the system to be relocated or dock at the base, to do so, return all ships and make sure that any damaged ships have been fully repaired.
As you explore other star systems, you will notice that some systems have larger mining nodes than others.Larger mining nodes allow players to collect more material before resetting the node (moving the node back to the node).Players can reduce travel time to star systems and improve mining efficiency by moving to star systems equipped with the materials they need.
In the following diagram, it is a good idea to place them from the yellow space region to the purple circle.The purple space region is also easy to reach the star systems of each faction, and grade 3 resources are possible within purple, but again, many players may gather and there may be no available nodes, so it is better to mine in the Federation (gas), Romulan (ore), or Klingon (crystal) space regions.

<9-1 HUB惑星での配置順>
<9-1 Order of placement on HUB planets>
When moving to a new location, there is a specific order in which stations are placed around the planet.

<9-2 攻略のための再配置>
<9-3 インカージョンの対策としての再配置>
インカージョンというのは、Infinite Incursionsのことで、サーバー同士が競うPvPイベントです。星系がLv20以上では、シールドが一時解除され、全ての基地(ST)と艦船が攻撃対象となります。従って、その攻撃から少しでも回避するために、基地のシールドが解除されないLv19以下の星系に移動することをお勧めします。これは完全に安全かといえばそうではなく、Lvの低い星系にはLvの低い基地や船しかいないだろうということでの回避です。この場合でも、できるだけ基地が少ない星域に移動させましょう。
<9-2 Relocating for the sake of strategy>
In addition to relocation for efficient mining, there are other cases of relocation.That is, repositioning for station attacks and for territorial attacks.
In the case of station attack, it is important to place stations in or near the targeted star system for resource recovery and repair of damage, because it takes a long time to attack and capture resources.The other is to attack territories.This also depends on the case, but it is important to reduce the time required for self-return and repair due to attacks.
<9-3 Reallocation as a countermeasure against incursions>
Incursions, or Infinite Incursions, are PvP events in which servers compete against each other.When a star system is Lv20 or higher, its shields are temporarily deactivated and all bases (STs) and ships become targets of attack.Therefore, to avoid as much as possible from that attack, it is recommended to move to a star system below Lv 19, where the base shields are not deactivated.This is not to say that it is completely safe, but it is an evasion based on the fact that there will only be low lvl bases and ships in low lvl star systems.Even in this case, move them to a star system with as few bases as possible.

10. Levels & Power
Is there such a thing as level-based power?How much more power do I need to increase the power of my ship to get to the next level?
Let’s talk about something a little different here.
We judge our PvE and PvP opponents by their level, for example.We also make that one of the requirements for promotion in this alliance.
The table below shows that there is a significant difference in power at each level.It means that there is a strategy to increase the power of a ship without raising its level.
However, there may be times when raising the level is a priority.That is when you get the ship you need, for example.
For me personally, I use the table below to help me figure out how much power I need to get to a certain level before I can go to the next level.

11. Territory Capture
This is one of those PvP events, where it takes a lot of power to gain a single territory, and cooperation between members is essential.We too have experienced intense offensives and are now on hiatus.
<11 テリトリーの位置と獲得の概要>
Territory Capture(領土獲得)は、同盟同士の攻防戦の勝利によって獲得できます。その1つ1つは、Origin Sectorと呼ばれるスペースエリアで、このスペースの領域は、1つ以上の星系と採掘地、そして、特別なキャプチャーノードで構成されます。 他の同盟と競争して、ゾーンの中に長くいることで多くのポイントを獲得し、ゾーンを所有することができます。この競争では、PvP戦でのレベル制限がなく、どのレベルの艦船も攻撃ができます。
<11 Territory Location and Acquisition Overview>
Territories are located at the southwestern edge of the three factions’ space areas.
Territory Captures are gained by winning offensive and defensive battles between alliances.Each one is a space area called an Origin Sector, which consists of one or more star systems, a mining site, and a special capture node. You can compete with other alliances to earn more points and own zones by staying in them longer.In this competition, there is no level limit in PvP battles and ships of any level can attack.

<11-1 ルールと特典>
<11-1 Rules and Privileges>
・The total number of origin sectors in TC is 54.
・The number of T1 sectors is 30, T2 is 18, and T3 is 6.
・To get a sector of T2, you must have acquired T1.
・To own a second or more sectors, they must be adjacent to each other.
・Territory acquisition is limited to a maximum of five.
・The offensive for possession will be determined by points based on how many ships are in the sector for how many hours.
・ During the TC event, the offensive and defense will take place every day except Tuesday, from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. JST, at the time allotted to each sector.
・If owned, it will be a ST for the winning allies.
・If owned, it becomes an exclusive mining site (others can attack but not mine)
・If owned, you will receive perks assigned to that space area.
・Gaining a territory and participating in its defense will earn you rewards in the Battle Pass.

<11-2 テイクオーバー(乗っ取り)中のポイント>
<11-2 Points during takeover>
Takeover points are calculated every minute.
When an alliance participates in a takeover, members of the alliance earn points for taking over that zone in the following ways:
・Alliance members earn 1 point for being present in that zone.
They earn 4 points for occupying a special node.
∙ Thus, points can be earned by destroying ships of the opposing alliance or by evading attacks.
■ During the last 1/3 of a takeover, all points are tripled.(Overdrive mode)

<11-3 特典の詳細>
■ 所有者専用住宅
■ オーナー専用の採掘地
■ サービス
例:現在利用可能な“ Construction Speed Enhancer ”は、次の乗っ取りの最後に同じサービスに置き換えられます。現在利用可能なサービスが廃止されるため、所有しているアライアンスは、次の乗っ取りの終わりに2つの“建設速度エンハンサー”サービスにアクセスできません。
<11-3 Benefit Details>
Alliances with their own zones get the following benefits
■ Owner-only housing
Only members of the owning alliance may relocate stations to the origin sector.
Players who continue to house their stations in zones not owned by the alliance will not be able to activate the shield.
■ Owner-only mining areas
Only members of the owning alliance may mine within the origin sector.
Mining ships can be attacked by other players.However, after a mining vessel is destroyed, it cannot dock at a mining site.
■ Services
The owning alliance can activate the services associated with the zone.The embassy displays the services available during the current period of ownership and the next services that will be available at the end of the next takeover.Services currently available will be replaced by the next service at the end of the next takeover.
Example: The currently available “Construction Speed Enhancer” will be replaced by the same service at the end of the next takeover.The owning alliance will not have access to the two “Construction Speed Enhancer” services at the end of the next takeover because the currently available service will be discontinued.

① 現在所有しているアライアンスが利用できるサービス。これらのサービスは、次の乗っ取りの終わりには利用できません。
② 次の乗っ取りの終わりに所有アライアンスが利用できるサービス。
■ サービスのアクティブ化 (記入者 やや不明な説明がありますが記載します。)
アライアンスの領土が隣接していない場合(たとえば、誰かがあなたの領土を切断したゾーンを引き継いだ場合)、現在アクティブ化されているサービスは引き続きアクティブになります, ただし、アライアンスの領域が再び隣接するまで、追加のサービスをアクティブ化することはできません。
① Services available to currently owned alliances.These services will not be available at the end of the next takeover.
② Services available to the owning alliance at the end of the next takeover.
■ Activation of services (Entrant Somewhat unclear explanation, but will describe)
Alliance members ranked Commodore or higher can activate services associated with zones owned by the alliance.
Activating a service costs alliance resources.
Alliance territories must be contiguous (there is a warp path from one zone to another) in order to activate services.
If the alliance territories are not contiguous (for example, if you take over a zone where someone has cut off your territory), the currently activated service will remain active, but additional services cannot be activated until the alliance territories are contiguous again.However, additional services cannot be activated until the alliance’s territory is contiguous again.
You can adjoin areas of the alliance by capturing connecting zones or abandoning owned zones.
■ 同盟リソース
■ Alliance Resources
All alliance resources acquired by players in an alliance are immediately added to the alliance’s inventory.
Members with the appropriate alliance permissions can use alliance resources to participate in takeovers and active services.
Alliance resources belong to the alliance and remain in the alliance inventory even if the player who acquired them leaves the alliance.

※ リソースの説明は後日 Resource description to follow.
<11-4 Territory Captureへの参加(仮説=)>
<11-4 Participation in Territory Capture (Hypothesis=) >
・There are 54 sectors, and alliances with approximate strength rankings of 20 or so participate and own at least one sector.
・The time difference of 5 or 6 hours in APAC makes it difficult for all members to participate, as those who work are on duty, returning home, eating, etc. Therefore, the main strength members are retirees, home workers, and others who are free during the day.
・Therefore, the main workforce members are those who are free during the daytime, such as retirees and those who work from home.
・The strategy of TC/TD may be to attack the sector in the late hours.
・The TC/TD should have about 80-100 vessels that can be deployed, with a minimum of about 20 members, lvl 40 or higher.・If we receive support from a friendly alliance, we will also participate in that alliance’s offensive and defensive battles, which may be more than twice a day.。

<11-5 TCの基本戦略>
<11-5 TC’s Basic Strategy>
This is discussed in the Territory Strategy channel (private for leadership only) in the Administration section of DiscordDescription.
To be published is a revised version of the Territory Times and a structural diagram of the 54 territories.For the structure maps, each tier and territory time has been incorporated.

12. Infinite Incursions
大げさな名称だが、単にインカージョンと呼んでいる。APACには7つのサーバーがあるが、まだ若い202サーバーを除いて、6つのサーバーの組み合わせて行われるイベントです。An exaggerated name, but we simply call it an incursion, an event that takes place on a combination of six of APAC’s seven servers, with the exception of the still young 202 server.

<10 概要>
Infinite Incursionsは、プレイヤー対プレイヤーのイベントの1つで、サーバーは別のサーバーと対戦します。しかし、自分のサーバーに留まって防衛するということもできるようです。組み合わせはその都度案内されます。201サーバーは現在まで無敗です。
<10 Overview>
Infinite Incursions is one of those player versus player events where a server plays against another server.However, it is also possible to stay on your own server and defend it.Combinations will be guided on a case-by-case basis; server 201 is undefeated to date.
<10-1 参加と侵入>
<10-1 Participation and Incursions>
You must be at least level 25 to participate in this event, but the IncursionsSpecial events leading up to the Incursion are open to players level 10 and above.At level 25, you may use 10 break-in conduits to break into the opposite server.
Upon breaking into the enemy server, the player is automatically placed in the same station slot that was occupied on the home server.However, if the slot is occupied, the player will be placed in the next available slot in that system.Infiltrating players can move between systems after they have infiltrated the server using normal relocation tokens.
During the invasion, all peace shields are suppressed in systems level 20 and above, and new shields cannot be activated.Shields will function normally in systems at level 19 and below.Once the incursion ends, the shield returns to normal.
Nevertheless, incursion events are only active for 24 hours at a time.During this period, support events require a round trip between defense and incursion.Thus, the server in turn defends and intrudes.
<10-2 侵入イベントの構造>
<10-2 Structure of an Incursion Event>
It is important to note that incursion events have specific time periods, especially for intrusion and defense.It is important to note that theThe following table provides guidelines for intrusion event structures.

There are specific intrusion and defense times, but you can choose to intrude into the enemy server during the defense window.However, if you are intruding into the enemy during the defensive time slot, the structure of the event does not change.
<12-3 報酬>
新しいオフィスまたは新しいアバターを含む個々の報酬に加えて、勝つ各サーバー 侵入イベント サーバー全体のバフを受け取ります。
<12-3 Rewards>
In addition to individual rewards including new offices or new avatars, each server that wins Intrusion Events Server-widewill receive a buff for the event.
This buff applies to all players on the server, but if you did not participate in the event, you will not receive the event, even if your server won.Note that this buff will only be active for one week after the event ends.The buff is either a build speed or research speed buff, and the buff strength is based on the players’ operational level.
■ ゲーム用語 バフ buff
バフとは、ゲーム内においてキャラクターの能力を強化すること、または強化する効果を意味します。 バフは、自分や見方のキャラクターの能力値やステータス(攻撃力や防御力、素早さなど)を上昇させ、有利な状況に導くためのものです。
■ Game Terms buff
A buff is an effect in a game that enhances or strengthens a character’s abilities. Buffs are used to increase the ability values or status (attack, defense, speed, etc.) of you or the characters on your side to lead them to an advantageous situation.
What will you receive in this event?

13. Special Ability Crews
あるクルーには特別な能力があり、彼を船長にすることとその仲間をブリッジに配置することによって、増幅された力が与えられる。One crew member has special abilities that are amplified by making him captain and by placing his crew on the bridge. それをシナジー効果と呼ぶそうだ。They call it synergy effect.
<13 相乗効果を生むクルー>
<13 Synergistic Crew>
CrewOf course, crew power is important, but so is the synergy of crew combinations.Of course crew power is important, but so is the synergy of crew combinations that expand each other’s capabilities.
Also look for special abilities of the captain.When activated, that ability will enhance the otherWhen activated, that ability will enhance the other officers on the bridge and change the ship’s performance in battle.This includes restoring shields, delaying opponents’ turns, more powerful weapons, better evasion, etc.

In this case, Nero was made captain and synergistic crew members were placed on the left and right bridges.This is an example of how this increased the officer availability and increased the ship’s capabilities.
. Increased the ship’s armor power, shield defense, and evasion by 60%.
Click on the “i” icon on this screen for the following explanation.
The captain you place in the center determines your operation and synergy group, officers belonging to the same synergy group boost the captain’s operation, and different classes increase the booth and quantity.
<13-1 特殊能力>
<13-1 Special Ability>
Morale affects only your ship, while Hull breach and Burning affect the other ship.Morale is used primarily for defense and prolongs the life of your ship (Explorers).Hull breaching is for short term battles where a lot of damage is done in the first few rounds (Interceptors).Burning is usually for long term battles with ships with a lot of hull and armor (battleships); in PvP and Armada battles, some occlusives are not very effective until they level up.

14. Mission Key & Promo code
デイリー・ミッション・キーは22時間ごとにゲットできます。そして、毎月発表されるプロモーションコードで報酬がゲットできます。入手先は、スコペリーの公式ウェブサイトです。 You will get a Daily Mission Key every 22 hours.And you will be rewarded with a promotion code that will be announced every month.To obtain them, visit the official Scopery website.
■ 用意するのは、メールアドレスとパスワードです。
■ プロモコードは銀河チャットでアナウンスされます。
■ All you need to provide is your email address and password.
You registered after you installed the game app.
■ Promo codes will be announced in galactic chat.

15. Trick トリック
If each faction has a bad evaluation point or if they enter the augmented area, they are automatically attacked.Here are some tricks to get around this.This is called Recall trick, Warp trick, Hostail trick, Freeze trick, etc.
■ まずは、画像を見てください。このトリックは3つのステップで完了です。自分の艦船を自動的に追尾し攻撃する敵艦船に近づけると見せかけて、リコール(ワープ)し、その直後にそれをキャンセルすることで、敵艦船は標的を見失ってフリーズするというになります。
■ First, look at the image. This trick is completed in three steps. By pretending that your ship will automatically track and approach the attacking enemy ship, recall (warp) it, and then cancel it immediately afterwards, the enemy ship will lose sight of its target and freeze.

・ そして、数秒以内に、リコールをキャンセルします。
Each step is explained below.
■Step 1
・Select a move to the left or right (or up or down) of the enemy ship to watch its progress.It is advisable to allow 15 seconds for the approach.
・Then, move.The enemy ship will then start moving in that direction.
■Step 2
・When the enemy ship starts moving, click on your ship to recall (warp) it.At this time, your ship will be flipped.
・Then, within a few seconds, cancel the recall.
■ Step 3
・ Now wait for the enemy ship to stop.If you move the ship before it stops, it will start tracking automatically again and you will have to start over.
・Once stopped, the ship will no longer be tracked by other enemy ships, no matter where it moves in the star system.

16. Mining Crew
It is important to know which crew members have characteristics that are favorable to mining.If even one of them is assigned to the bridge, the efficiency of mining will improve both in terms of time and quantity.Make the best use of your existing mining crews.
<16 採掘に有利なクルー>
<16 Crew with an advantage in mining>
There are officers who, as captain and officer, both have mining-related characteristics, and thoseSome officers have characteristics that are favorable to mining, while some have characteristics that are favorable to mining.It may be possible to have a bridge placement of three officers who have an advantage in mining, if the officers are all available.Instead of considering it here, we will introduce an officer with characteristics favorable to mining, with the idea of placing even one officer on the bridge to make mining more advantageous.This is because we believe this is a realistic use for mining three or more resources at the same time.

<注意> 枠のスペースの関係で英語のスペルが途中で切れているのもある。注意して読んでください。
<Note> Some English spellings are cut off in the middle due to the space in the frame.Please read with care.

17 Hostile Crew
採掘船の次はPvEのクルーです。それぞれの派閥の特殊能力を考えれば、また違ったクルーも考えられますが、ここではひゅお準的なものを紹介します。 Next to mining vessels are PvE crews.Considering the special abilities of each faction, different crews are possible, but here are some hyuo-quasi ones.
Many players seem to use Pike and Moreau, plus a Chen or T’Laan combination.These combinations seem to be called PMT or PMC, combining their initials.If they do not align, use the following crews.

These can be enhanced by combining them with crew members with special abilities in the lower deck.These crews seem to be few in number, but if you get them, train them and make use of them.For example, we have the following crews.

■ これまでのクルーの紹介は、採掘とPvEという日々のゲームの中心となるタスクから先に述べたものです。PvEも様々な敵がいますので、情報がはいりましたら、また紹介します。
■ The crews we have introduced so far have been the core tasks of the day-to-day game: mining and PvE, and we will introduce PvE again as more information becomes available.
The crew is acquired by chance through gacha, so please be patient and wait to acquire them.Then, if there is an opportunity to obtain these crews through events, etc., prioritize the selection of these crews and work to upgrade them.

18 Armada Crew 1
同盟のメンバーが協力して、特定のターゲットを襲撃するのがアルマダでした。今回は、3大派閥のターゲットを襲撃するためのクルーを紹介します。 It was the Armada that members of the alliance would work together to raid specific targets.In this issue, we will introduce the crews that were used to raid targets in the three major factions.
<18-1 アルマダの一般情報>
・デバフを提供する役員(ハルブリーチ、バーニング、クリティカルヒットチャンスリダクションなど)は、1人のプレーヤーのみが搭乗でき、デバフはアルマダに参加しているすべてのプレーヤーに適用されます。たとえば、1人のプレーヤーがハルブリーチオフィサーを使用し、すべてのアルマダ参加者がクリティカルヒットのチャンスを増やします。(Hull Breach クルー)
・複数のDebuff Officersを使用しても、結果はスタックされません。調整が鍵です。使用する乗組員について話し合い、アライアンスに合わせてください。
<18-1 Armada General Information>
・ Officers providing debuffs (Hull Breach, Burning,Critical Hit Chance Reduction, etc.) can only be boarded by one player, and the debuff applies to all players participating in the armada.For example, one player can use a hull breach officer and all armada participants will have increased chances of critical hits.
・Hull Breach: When armada hulls are breached, the critical hit damage of the player ship in the armada is increased.
・Burning.: Applying Burning. reduces the Armada hull health by 1%.For example.Applying combustion to a maximum of 100 shells will defeat the fleet.
If you are using one of the general crews listed above, replace Khan with one of the following officers
∙ Officers that provide buffs to you (morale, shield regen, increased self-crit chance, etc.) apply only to the player using them.
∙ Using multiple Debuff Officers does not stack the results.Coordination is key.Discuss the crews you will be using and match them to your alliance.
<18-2 略奪品>
・略奪品については、Ship Powerに基づいて分割されています。たとえば、5人のプレーヤーがArmadaに参加し、比較的同じような力を持っている場合、戦利品は均等に分割されます。4人が等しく、1人のプレーヤーが強い場合、最高の船力がより大きな部分を獲得し、残りは均等に分割されます。
<18-2 Loot>
– Loot is divided based on Ship Power.For example, if five players participate in Armada and have relatively similar power, the loot is divided equally; if four players are equal and one player is stronger, the highest Ship Power gets the larger portion and the rest is divided equally.
<18-3 標準的なアルマダ・クルー>
<18-3 Standard Armada Crew>

<追加情報> 派閥別のクルーを紹介しましたが、共通するGeneric crewというのを見つけましたので紹介します。
<Additional Information> I have introduced the crews by faction, but I have also found a common generic crew.

19 Armada Crew 2

🔶 ここで示されているGeneric Armada Crewと言うのは、前の講座18の最後に載せた画像にあるクルーのことです。
🔶 The Generic Armada Crew shown here is the crew shown in the image at the end of the previous Lecture 18.

20. Alliance Starbase 同盟宇宙基地
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20-1 宇宙基地の構築のメリット
20-1 Benefits of building a space base
We are still investigating this, but the various upgrade items within the “space base” in the studyThe following advantages can be obtained by looking at the various upgrade items in the “Space Base” section of the research.
◆Advantages in raids against the Cardassian Alliance
Increased weapon damage, increased penetration status, increased armor and evasion, increased loot, etc.
◆Advantages in raids against other alliances
Increased critical damage, increased credits, etc. <a9> ◆Increased isogen mining rate for Meridian
◆Increased mining rate for concentrated latinum for Duvor Feisha
◆Increased hull and shield HP for all ships
◆Increased cost efficiency for crystals and other items needed for research<a13> ◆Advantage over player ships
◆Increased weapon damage and penetration status during territory takeover

<20-2 同盟宇宙基地のモジュール>
■ 組立室
■ プラズマ処理施設
■ 外交関係
■ 作戦デッキ
■ 衝突プラズマハーベスター(ゲーム画面の表記は「バーベスター」ってバーベキュー王子かよw)
■ 衝突プラズマ保管庫
■ 磁気プラズマハーベスター
■ 磁気プラズマ保管庫
<20-2 Alliance Space Station Module>
Alliance space stations are the facilities shown in the diagram abovetogether with facilities for “defense of the space station and raids on space stations of other alliances”.Here is a description of each module in the diagram above.
■ Assembly Room
The center of the space station, the main structure.The assembly room houses the station’s main command center, communications relays, and warp control.
(Level up increases the range of movement.)
■ Plasma Processing Facility
Huge industrial facility that processes plasma harvested from plasma storms into useful raw materials.
(Various plasma capacities increase with level up.)
■ Diplomatic Relations
A facility designed for meetings with representatives of other powers.
(Alliance reputation bonuses increase with level advancement.)
■ Operations Deck
This facility houses the main coordination center for all strategic activities.
(Cardassian Damage Bonus increases as you level up.)
■ Collision Plasma Harvester (game screen says “barbecue prince”?)
Harvesting array used to collect collision plasma from the center of the storm.
(Level up increases the amount of collision plasma harvested and stored.)
■ Colliding Plasma Vaults
Plasma storage tanks where harvested colliding plasma is stored before processing.
(Level up increases the amount of collision plasma protection.)
■ Magnetic Plasma Harvester
Harvesting array used to collect magnetic plasma from the center of a storm.
(Level up increases the amount of magnetic plasma harvested and stored.)
■ Magnetic Plasma Vaults
Plasma storage tanks where harvested magnetic plasma is stored before processing.
(Level up increases the amount of magnetic plasma protection.)
■ Active plasma harvesters and their vaults
<20-3 同盟宇宙基地の概要>
<20-4 施設の構築>
Alliance Starbaseを構築するには、Allianceが亜空間超伝導体を収集する必要があります。収集されたら、これらを提督またはコモドールが費やして、空のプラズマストームまたはアライアンスUIのスターベースカードを選択して、アライアンススターベースを構築できます。
<20-3 Alliance Starbases Overview>
Alliance starbases are built by alliances, not by individual players.However, to obtain the resources to build, players must farm the Cardesian fleet to obtain hyperspace superconductors.In addition, there are bundles that can be purchased within the Alliance Store to obtain more materials for upgrades.These are used for both the initial build and upgrades of the Starbase.
<20-4 Building the Facility>
To build the Alliance Starbase, Alliance must collect subspace superconductorsAlliance must collect subspace superconductors.Once collected, these can be spent by the Admiral or Commodore to build an Alliance Starbase by selecting an empty Plasma Storm or Alliance UI Starbase card.
An Alliance can only build one Alliance Starbase.
<20-5 リソースの入手>
同盟宇宙基地を構築して進歩させるために必要なリソースのほとんどは、Alliance Storeでバンドルを購入することで授与されます。これらのバンドルを購入するには、カーデシアルートまたは亜空間カーデシアルートを獲得する必要があります。これは、カーデシアステーションを破壊することで獲得できます。
<20-5-1 カーデシア・ステーション>
レベル33:Draygo IV、Celtris、Valo、McAllister C-5
レベル39:Trelka V、Borias Cluster、Manora
<20-5-2 プラズマの収穫>
Alliance Starbaseは、プラズマストームからプラズマプロセッサによって決定された一定量のプラズマのみを収集してから、再配置する必要があります。
<20-5 Obtaining Resources>
Most of the resources needed to build and advance the Alliance Space Station,awarded by purchasing bundles at the Alliance Store.To purchase these bundles, you must earn the Cardecia Root or Subspace Cardecia Root.This can be acquired by destroying a cardesia station.
<20-5-1 Cardecia Stations>
Cardecia Stations are located in the following systems.
Level 27: Myyric
Level 30: Cardesia
Level 33: Draygo IV, Celtris, Valo, McAllister C-5
Level 36: Kola, Unefra, Andrita<a14> Level 39: Trelka V, Borias Cluster, Manora
Level 42: Vetar, Lazon, Mora
Level 45: Vanden, Arawat
Level 50: Ludelia
<20-5-2 Plasma Har vesting>
To harvest plasma, the Alliance must reposition the Alliance Starbase to an available plasma storm.Plasma can only be harvested if the appropriate type of plasma harvester has been constructed in the starbase.For example, a magnetic plasma harvester is required to harvest magnetic plasma.
Once deployed, the harvester harvests plasma at a fixed rate based on its level.Properly ranked Alliance members (Commodore and above) must regularly collect harvested plasma from the harvesters into the Alliance inventory.
The Alliance Starbase must only collect a certain amount of plasma from the plasma storm, as determined by the plasma processor, before it is relocated.
<20-5-3 プラズマストームの場所>
レベル16:Bharani、Eizeb、Jishui、Kaus Australis、Ora Leraa、Pune
レベル17:Aciben、Freyda、Kaus Borealis、Kaus Media、Oltomon、Vemet
<20-6 Alliance Starbaseの再配置>
Alliance Starbaseは、銀河で利用可能なプラズマストームに再配置できます。このアクションは、提督またはコモドールのみが実行でき、アライアンスが適切な量のアライアンス準備金を費やす必要があります(アライアンスストアのバンドルから獲得)。
<20-5-3 Plasma Storm Locations>
Plasma storms are located in the following systems.
Collisional Plasma Locations
Level 16: Bharani, Eizeb, Jishui, Kaus Australis, Ora Leraa, Pune
Level 17: Aciben, Freyda,Kaus Borealis, Kaus Media, Oltomon, Vemet
Level 18: Bubeau, Dalukerinborva, Helvetios, Skyedark, Todem, Wezen
Level 19: Eisenhorn, GerBin, Kosh, Wasat, Zetapolis, Zhang
Level 21: Balin, BeK, Leonor, Lorac, Lauren, Mada
Level 22: Dauouuy, Iocau, Jonauer, Rosec, Woxoxit, Zadiaoo
Magnetic Plasma Locations
Level 29: Morska, P’Jem, Rator
Level 30: Asher, Doloran, Elequa, Emmy, Garondoncore, H’Atoria, Jaq, Lloyd, Noakyn, Nurnias,Parka, Sahqooq
Level 31: Barklay, Ebisu, Inari, Lempo, Lipig, May’lang, Robeton, Sinisser, Tandorian, Tullias, Ulrich
Level 32:Izanagi
Level 33: Aiti, Ferrer, Kaisu, Kavka, Pekka
Level 34: Tau Ceti
Level 35: Argentomea, Siiolux
Active plasma location
See figure.
<20-6 Alliance Starbase Relocation>
Alliance Starbases can be relocated to any plasma storm available in the galaxy.This action can only be performed by an Admiral or Commodore and requires the Alliance to spend the appropriate amount of Alliance Reserve (acquired from the Alliance Store bundle).

<20-7 アライアンス評判>
<20-7 Alliance Reputation>
Alliance reputation is a new indicator of your current relationship with the Alliance.It is specific to individual Alliance members.
To gain reputation, you can either destroy a Kardesian station or purchase a Resistance Bounty, Maxis Bounty, or Alliance Altruism bundle from the Alliance Store.
Alliance reputation is required to begin researching a particular node in the Starbase research tree.
When an alliance member leaves the alliance, they immediately lose all of their alliance reputation.Even if they rejoin the same alliance, they cannot regain the reputation they previously earned.
The rest of the lesson will be a little later…
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