What are the Rules Of Engagement (ROE)?
ROEとは何でしょうか? What are the ROE?
その概略はつぎのようなものです。 このルールは、プレイヤー同士の戦闘のためのルールで、どのような場合にプレイヤーへの攻撃が許されたり、禁止なのかを定めているものです。
そのために、このROEの基本的な事項を紹介しているサイト(プレイヤーズ ガイド)でも、フェアプレーとか紳士的精神の重要性を述べていて、それらの攻撃をしないようにと訴えています。
The ROE is called the Rules of Engagement and is the guideline of conduct adopted by many alliances on each server.
These are not officially endorsed by Scopley, but are rules set forth by senior members.
Even though each server or alliance has adopted them, there are slight differences that need to be understood.
They are outlined below. These are the rules for player-to-player combat,which define when attacks on players are allowed and when they are forbidden.
Does strict adherence to these relieve us from the stress of being attacked?
The answer to this question is no.Under this rule, a combat ship is always a target.It is also because there are other
instances when attacks are allowed.
In this game, there is always the fear of being attacked at any moment.Moreover, there is no provision in this regulation to control power harassment,
harassment, or bullying that would eliminate it.
For this reason, even the website that introduces the basics of this ROE (Player’s Guide) states the importance of
fair play or gentlemanly spirit and appeals to us not to attack them.
We say, “The ROE is not a license to kill.”We understand that this means that we are discouraging attacks on opposing players.In other words, we do not power-harass, harass, or bully.
Even though we say we are ROE compliant, we take the position that we understand, interpret, and enforce the ROEs based on fair play and a gentlemanly spirit.
I will now post a simplified version of the ROE and details of the basic ROE on the 201 server, but please do not understand them as they are from the standpoint of defending them.In case of various attacks, please understand and interpret from these regulations to know that other players are the reason why they attacked me or us to avoid unnecessary attacks.—the catalyst for architectural transformations that enrich the world around us.
要約版ROE Summary ROE
※ 修正した場合にここに記します。We will note here when it has been corrected.
We hope you have a good overview of ROE. However, please do not use this to power-harass or harass anyone.
To defend this in a fundamentalist way is to be drawn into the dark world of the dangers of ROE and its thrills.
ROE is not a license to kill.
ROE違反攻撃を受けた場合 What to do in the event of an ROE breach attack
Most violations are UPC attacks or zero node attacks with no warning.However, some alliances may not have zero node warnings (see ROE details).
If you receive a breach attack, please respond as follows.The first response is for you to first politely protest to the attacker.If there is no apology, etc., then the alliance (admiral or comodore) will respond as a diplomatic negotiation.
201 ROE
I will now post the Japanese translation of the ROE and the original text,
but please be patient with as there are some things that are unclear in the
Japanese translation.We welcome your comments on any mistranslations!
2024年10月の追加 7つ目の規定としてRogue Polcyが追加されました。
Addition of October 2024 Rogue Polcy was added as the seventh provision.
201 サーバーROE
注 戦争中はROEがありません
🔏ROE Agreement Admiral Sign Up
違反行為について 📷archived-21072024-roe-violatio…
論じる ROE 💬general-roe-chat
ローグライク情報 🎯the-rangers
1 戦利品なし=攻撃なしです。
NO UPC マイナー/サーベイ船 ヒット禁止
除外/例外 – ベースレイド、PvPイベント、アクティブtc/テリトリーテイクオーバー&ウォーの間。
※例外・理由・バリエーション ROE 1
[DM] をご覧ください フローティングマイナー(ノードの採掘を積極的に行っていないマイナー)や、軍艦として使用されているマイナーや「本来の目的以外」の方法で使用されているマイナーを保護しない。
[TERA] は、採掘できないシステム内のマイナーを保護しない。TERAはまた、敵対者を粉砕するマイナーや、敵対者やPVPクルーがいるフローティングマイナーを保護しない。
2 トークン=NO Poking
NO ボーグ、ローグスペース、アクティアンシステムにヒット。
トークンがかかっても放置 – OPCであっても船を攻撃しない。
-ボーグ- (トランスワープ、有利なトランスワープセル、レアなラチナムセル)。
(Borg-トランスワープ、有利なトランスワープセル、Rare latinum Cell. ローグワープトークン、マンティスエンシェントビーコン)
※例外・理由・バリエーション ROE 2.
[DM] [PHNX] [TERA] [LOWD] Do NOT protect, Borg Probe hunting space (Borg Transwarp Space)
[DM] [TERA] [LOWD] Do NOT protect, Actian Mantis Systems (Ancient Beacon)
3 アルマダ=ディレクティブがかかるなら、放置する。
アルマダへのヒットは禁止 – 攻撃してはいけない。プレイヤーはこれらの指令のために、しばしばリアルマネーを費やしてきた。
-もしあなたが艦隊を完成させられなかったら、他の同盟はすぐにそれを追い出すことができます。 戻るための時間的猶予はない。
4 テリトリーROE=自己責任で入力してください。
5 戦争を宣言する=戦争におけるROEはない。
正式な宣言は、GC=Game Galaxy Chat & に投稿してください 。
使い道 🤝peace-talks
6 ゼロノード – 0nodes
※ 例外/クラウズ/バリエーション ROE 6.
●3分前警告でゼロノードOK: [NXS] [OCE] [NOVA] [SIR] [BOB] [FUN] [QN] [JFA] [SOTA] [RISE] のようになります。
●ゼロノードOK、5分前警告あり: [PHNX] [OZNZ] [YMT] [USI] [ASIF] [SPWS] [BORG] [TA]。
●クリア後に送信されるメッセージでゼロノードOK: [DM] [LOWD]」となります。
●ゼロノードOK、警告なし: TERA] [EPIC] [LOWD] (警告が送られない場合はスクリーンショットが必要)
6b: 「間違った」船です: アライアンス0ノードのROEを使用します:
Latinum ノードから NoN D’vor を削除します: [EPIC]
[AW] – Lv25システムズ以上。
7 Rogue Policy (2024年10月追加)
201 Sloane Rogue Policy
サーバーROEを繰り返し破る、またはサーバーROE*を拒否する故意の行為; または
主にサーバーROEを破るために同盟を脱退する^; または
不正行為者として記録された3日間 = 21日間の処罰。
ターゲットにした2つのアライアンス = 14日間の処罰。
ペナルティ期間の合計 = 35日間。
例 例: 35日間のアライアンスへの参加禁止期間終了後、そのプレイヤーは35日間オペレーター以上に昇格することはできません。
アライアンスがペナルティ期間中にローグプレイヤーをリクルートした場合、またはペナルティを不履行した場合、ローグプレイヤーはKOS(Kill On Sight)としてマークされる場合があります。
For discussion and debate.
💬general-roe-chat or
For dispute
For server/public enemy Rogue info
Admirals please post Agreed (1,2,3..etc) to all ROE conditions you agree to follow.
🔏ROE Agreement Admiral Sign Up & perhaps add it to your
Alliance Center Channel, so it can be pinned..
NOTE: There is NO ROE during WAR
1 No Loot = No Shoot
NO UPC miner/survey ship hits
Excludes/Exception – PvP events, Active TC/Territory Takeover & War..
During a base raid, attacking ship ..
If a PVP event is run naming specific systems or ships to use, ROE will NOT apply during that event, for the
specified ships/systems only. check 💬general-chat or 👥pvp-event to see current event.
※Exception/Clause/Variations ROE 1
[TERA] do not protect miners in a system where they cannot mine.
miners grinding hostiles,floating miners with hostile or PVP crews.
[DM] do not protect miner with pvp crew
miner in active TC system (clearing upc miners before and after TC not permitted)
miners autogrinding in Augment space
2 Token = NO Poking
NO Hits in Borg, Rogue, Actian, Dominion, Xindi – Silent Hostiles and Aquatic Token Systems,,
If it takes a token, leave it alone – Do not attack ships even if they are OPC.
Borg – (Transwarp, lucrative transwarp cells and Rare latinum Cell)
Rogue – (Outlaw Transwarp Space) = Doniphon, Van Cleef, or Mitchum
Mantis – Actian Systems – (Ancient Beacon)
Dominion – G4 & G5 Mining (Transwarp cell)
Xindi – Silent Hostile, G4-G6 Token Space – (Silent Nebula)
Aquatic Xindi Hostiles – (Delphic Expanse)
Voyager – (Delta Quadrant Warp Cell)
(Delta Quadrant Borg Coordinates)
Mirror Universe – (MU Entry Vouchers) – to get into the Interphasic Entry Rift
= Mirror Alpha Centauri, Mirror Wolf, and Mirror Sirius. etc
(token type/kind in brackets)
.EXCEPTIONException/Clause/Variations ROE 2
Do **NOT** protect,
Borg Probe hunting space (Borg Transwarp Space)
Actian Mantis Systems (Ancient Beacon)
Will remove any NoN Voyager ship from voyager nodes.
3-Min warning note (must be mined after taking the node)
[DM] [DRGN].
3 Armadas = If it takes directives, leave them alone
NO Hits on Armadas – Do not attack them. players have often spent real money for these directives.
If you attack a circle in progress, you are breaching standard ROE.
using a Mantis to debuff ships in an armada is a ROE breach.
If you fail to complete the armada another alliance can kick it off immediately. There is no time grace period to
※Exception/Clause/Variations ROE 3
Only Protected in Armada Circle.
Territory ROE = Enter at your own risk
Standard ROE applies to the alliance who controls the territory, excluding during takeover events.
Those who enter another alliance’s territory for any reason, have no ROE protections.
ROE applies until a territory capture event timer starts, e.g. no clearing of active miners until the timer starts, unless they are OPC.
4 Territory ROE = Enter at your own risk
Standard ROE applies to the alliance who controls the territory, excluding during takeover events.
Those who enter another alliance’s territory for any reason, have no ROE protections.
ROE applies until a territory capture event timer starts, e.g. no clearing of active miners until the timer starts, unless they are OPC.
5 Declaring WAR = NO ROE in War
use the 💥war-declaration
The formal declaration should be posted to the GC=Game Galaxy Chat & 💥war-declaration
Once war is declared, all bets are off. NO ROE applies between the enemy alliances until peacetalks/ceasefire is declared.
can use 🤝peace-talks
Talk about War 🗣war-chatter
or NSFW 🧂trash-talk-nsfw
6 Zero nodes – 0nodes
Zero node attacks can only be made if there are no other available nodes in the system and a 3 minute warning is given.
Zero node rule is created to allow access to nodes, not as a loophole for revenge attacks.
A message to be sent to that player giving them a 3 minute warning to move their ship.
※Exception/Clause/Variations ROE 6
Zero node OK with {X} minute warning:
3 minute – [NXS] [NOVA] [BOB] [FUN] [QN] [JFA] [SOTA] [OZNZ]
5 minute – [GENE] [YMT] [USI] [SPWS] [BORG] [TA]
0 minute – message sent after clearing: [DM] [LOWD]
0 minute – no warning: [TERA] [EPIC] [LOWD] (screenshots required if no warning sent)
6b: “Wrong” Ships: = Will Remove Using their Alliance 0node ROE:
BB, D’Vor and Feesha from 3* material nodes:
NoN D’vor from Latinum nodes:
NoN Feesha from Concentrated Latinum nodes:
7 201 Sloane Rogue Policy (Additional October 2024)
Agreed Alliances..
201 Sloane Rogue Policy
Objectives of this Policy
・To deter players from engaging in rogue behavior that violates agreed Server ROE^.
・To ensure fair and proportionate punishment for players who breach the Server ROE*.
Amendment to Policy
An Admiral may propose amendments to this policy if any loopholes are exploited that undermine its objectives.
Definition of Rogue
A player is defined as rogue if they:
・Act with wilful intent to repeatedly break Server ROE or reject Server ROE*; or
・Leave an alliance primarily to break Server ROE^; or
・Create a new alliance or join an existing alliance to declare war on a Server ROE* following alliance(s).
Note: A player does not need to leave an alliance to be considered rogue.
Declaration of Rogue Actions
An Admiral, or in exceptional circumstances, a single Nominated Officer (must be a Commodore and nominated by the relevant alliance Admiral in Discord) will declare a player as rogue.
The declaration must be supported by screenshot evidence showing a repeated pattern of Server ROE violations against the targeted alliance(s), beyond a single simple breach.
Exclusion from Recruitment:
The rogue player will be excluded from recruitment into any alliance for a period calculated from the first date to the last date of their documented rogue activity.
Penalty Calculation
The penalty period is determined by:
・The first day documented as rogue on the relevant Discord channel to the last day documented as a rogue.
・The number of alliances targeted.
・Seven days exclusion per day documented as rogue and per alliance targeted.
Example Calculation
If a player is documented as rogue for 3 days and targets 2 alliances:
・3 Days documented as rogue = 21 days of punishment.
・2 Alliances targeted = 14 days of punishment.
・Total penalty period = 35 days.
Maximum Penalty
The maximum penalty period cannot exceed 90 days.
Post-Penalty Restrictions
Rank Limitation
Once the rogue player has served their minimum alliance exclusion time, they cannot hold a rank higher than Operative until they have followed Server ROE^ in any alliance for a period equal to their penalty period.
Example: After serving a 35-day exclusion from joining an alliance, the player cannot be promoted above Operative for 35 days following the end of their exclusion period.
Failure to Apply Penalty
・If an alliance recruits a rogue player during their penalty period or fails to enforce the penalty, the rogue player may be marked as KOS (Kill On Sight).
・The recruiting alliance may also be set to KOS at the discretion of the targeted alliance(s) and their allies.