外交関係について About Diplomatic Relations
Since we have already written about the basic concept in the policy,
here are some things to keep in mind when actually playing.
There are seven relationships with other alliances, shown in the figure above.
● プレー上で重要なことは、NAPという相互に戦闘を行わない同盟に3種類あることです。これらの同盟対しては、ROEで許されている攻撃を一切行わないということです。これは、相互の了承がない限り、PvPイベント・ミッションでも同様の対応です。従って、これを攻撃することは、ROE違反と同じように外交関係上の問題となります。
● それらの違いは、軍事同盟的な行動を共にするか、しないかの区別にあります。味方同盟というのは軍事同盟を結んでいることになります。相手の要請に応じて、テリトリーの攻略や防衛を支援することです。友好同盟と協力的同盟とは、その項目はないのが通常です。しかし、提督や指導部の情勢判断によっては、支援要請がメンバーに求められることがあります。
● 中立関係とはほぼROE違反もなく、関係性の薄い多く同盟です。
● 警戒の対象と記した黄色と赤い顔のようなマークですが、ROE違反攻撃やパワハラ、嫌がらせと思われる攻撃の状況や頻度によって区別されます。違反攻撃での相手の暴言、返答がない、さらに提督も無返答なども考慮される訳です。
● 戦争状態と記した敵同盟ですが、これは戦争状態を指します。宣戦布告が銀河チャットやDiscord上でなされるという手順を踏んで、開戦となります。この場合は、ROEの規定外となり、停戦・終戦の合意がない限り、ルールなしの戦闘状態となります。この場合に使われるのが、「KOS=Kill on sight」です。つまり、視界に入れば即攻撃ということです。全面戦争ですのでUPCもなく、基地も攻撃対象となる訳です。
It is important to note that at no time should we ever attack members of allied, friendly, or Civil alliances.
● What is important to note in play is that there are three types of alliances that do not engage in mutual combat, called NAPs. Against these alliances, we do not conduct any attacks that are allowed in the ROE. This is the same response to PvP events and missions unless mutually agreed upon.Therefore, attacking this is a diplomatic dispute as well as a violation of the ROE.
● The difference between them lies in the distinction between acting together or not acting together in a military alliance-like manner.An ally alliance is a military alliance.It is to support the capture or defense of a territory according to the request of the other party.With friendly and civil alliances, there is usually no such item.However,depending on the Admiral or leadership's assessment of the situation, a request for assistance may be requested from a member.
● Neutral relationships are many alliances with almost no ROE violations and little relationship.
● The yellow and red face symbols are marked with a warning, but they are distinguished by the circumstances and frequency of ROE violation attacks, power harassment, and perceived harassment attacks.The following are also taken into consideration: verbal abuse of the attacker, no response, and no response from the Admiralty.
● The enemy alliance is described as being in a state of war.War is opened by the procedure of a declaration of war being made in galactic chat or on the Discord.In this case, it is outside the ROE rules and becomes a state of combat without rules, unless a ceasefire or end of war is agreed upon.In this case,"KOS = Kill on sight" is used.In other words, if it is in sight, it is immediately attacked.Since it is an all-out war,there are no UPCs, which means that bases are also targets of attack.
The next question to consider is which player to launch the PvP attack on, which is necessary to complete the event or mission.
However, these PvP attacks are unavoidable in order to complete events or missions. Of course, only legal attacks that follow the rules of ROE are permitted.After attacking, it is important to remember to include the reason for your attack.
● 第1の候補は、ソロプレイヤーでしょう。同盟と言うバックアップがないことがあげられます。しかし、Rogue(ならず者)として同盟を追放になったりしたプレイヤーは避けたいものです。執拗な攻撃にさらされる可能性があります。
● 第2の候補は、警戒同盟のメンバーです。これは、過去に違法な攻撃を受けているために、制裁と言う意味合いも考えられるでしょう。もちろん、Rogueは除外です。
● 第3の候補は、非協力的同盟です。しかし、できれば遺恨からのパワハラ、嫌がらせをうける可能性が多いために非協力的同盟に指定しているために、私たちよりも戦闘力が低い同盟やそのメンバーを攻撃対象としましょう。もちろん、Rogueは除外です。
● The first candidate would be a solo player.The first candidate would be the solo player, who has no backup in the form of an alliance.
However, players who have been banned from alliances as rogues are to be avoided.
They may be subject to persistent attacks.
● The second candidate is a member of the Vigilance Alliance.This could mean sanctions, as they have been illegally attacked in the past.Of course, Rogue is excluded.
● The third candidate is the Uncooperative Alliance.However, if possible, let's target alliances and their members who are less combatant than us because we designate them as uncooperative alliances because of the high likelihood of power harassment and harassment from grudges.Of course, Rogue is excluded.
外交の基本 (重要点の確認として再掲・補説します)
Basics of Diplomacy (Reiterated and supplemented as confirmation of important points)
- ?
- You are a diplomat who plays everyday.
- 日常プレイーしているあなたが外交官です。
● メンバーのひとり一人が、同盟の顔であること。つまり、一般的な社会人、家庭人であることが、よき外交官にもなることを意識してください。紳士的で友好的な個人メッセージでの対応が、あなたや同盟の印象を高めることになります。
● ROE違反による攻撃を受けた場合は、抗議のあと24時間待って、無返答や謝罪がなく暴言などがあれば、Discordで知らせてください。それがない場合は、個人メッセージをください。
● 外交の責任は、提督や指導部にありますので、個人での交渉は行わないでください。(ただし、ROE違反者への抗議が、たまたま提督だった場合は除きます。)もし、移籍や外交関係上の内容で打診された場合はその旨を提督または指導部に伝えてください。
● 提督や指導部は、外交関係上のいろいろな情報を必要として、Discord上の様々なサーバーを見ていますが、漏れもあります。従って、皆さんが得た情報で、同盟やメンバーの利益にかないそうなものがあれば、ぜひ、お知らせください。
● Each and every member should be the face of the alliance.In other words, be aware that being an ordinary member of society and a family member also makes you a good diplomat.
Responding in a gentlemanly and friendly personal message will make a good impression on you and the alliance.
● If you are attacked due to a ROE violation, please wait 24 hours after your protest and let us know on Discord if there is no response, no apology and ranting, etc.
If not, please private message me.
The admiral or leadership will then protest to the other admiral.However, on Discord, if you have a screenshot of the battle report, you can protest on the 201 server, also giving evidence in the form of a screenshot.
In the case of private messages, we will also respond with a private message from the Admiral.This may not be very effective, but we ask that
information about what players and alliance members are committing violations is also helpful when designating marks for diplomacy.
● The responsibility for diplomacy rests with the Admiralty and leadership, so please do not negotiate privately.(Unless, of course, the protest against the ROE violator happens to be the admiral.)If you are approached with a transfer or diplomatic content, please inform the Admiral or leadership of that.
This is especially important for diplomatic negotiations, since it is the principle of that the approach should be made on the Discord, where a record is kept of it.
● Admirals and leadership look at various servers on Discord for various information needs in diplomatic relations, but there are also issions.Therefore, if you have any information that you have obtained that you think would benefit the alliance or its members, please let us know.